Chapter Eigteen

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I can't look Jake in the eye, both Jakes in fact as Quickenden has come to watch rehearsals "Hello" he sings "hi" I smile and move away "don't do that, it was a mistake" he smiles "Yeah, but you left these in my neck and Jake saw them" I whisper lifting up my scarf "shit" he mumbles "yeah, at first I had no idea where they came from. But now I do" I whisper "just tell him, I'll take what's coming for me" he smiles
"Jake can I talk to you please" I ask, he nods and we walk into the hall;

Jakes face drops when I tell him, "Is he who you want? Someone who's better looking and has everything going for him?" He questions "Course not! I want you, I always have and I always will" I sniff as tears escape my eyes "I love you" he smiles grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it, "Really?" I smile "Yeah" he smiles back "I love you too"
We walk back into the room, hand in hand and I feel someone's eyes burning a hole in my face, surprise surprise, Jake's. I seriously don't know why, it was a 1 time thing and nothing more and nothing was ever going to come out it.

•••5 days later•••
I've not been feeling too well, doubled over in pain, throwing up and having stupid mood swings. Worst thing is, this is the second month I've missed my period. I'm so confused and I have no idea what's wrong, maybe it's just something that happens some times. I just hope nothing bad happens.
Once again I'm throwing up, I've got James holding back my hair and running my back, Jake is sat downstairs and I'm upstairs,
"Jake, she's throwing up again" James shouts, I hear running up the stairs and hold my hair as James walks away. I flush the chain on the toilet and brush my teeth, I sit in the floor and cry, "Jake, I think I'm pregnant" I sob, the colour drains from his face but he soon comes to comfort me, he kisses my head and now and again tells me everything's going to be fine

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