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"Mark, honey, baby, angel, darling, love of my life, my big strong man, we need to go."

Mark looked up at Ethan, a dopey smile on his face. "I love youu" he slurred, the gauze in his mouth hindering his speech.

Ethan chuckled. "I love you too, now get up."

Mark slowly got up--with Ethan's help--and they started walking to the parking garage.

Ethan started recording again once they got into the car, and his ADHD-filled chaotic persona went back up.

"Markkk, how was it?"

Mark thought for a minute, looking like a dazed chipmunk. "I saw the light, and then I..." he trailed off.

Ethan giggled, giving Mark the camera. "You can film while I drive, right?" Mark nodded, and Ethan smiled while he started driving.

"Eef'n, he calls me a big strong man. Cuz I'm his big strong man."

"Marky, you can't say that, remember? The audience doesn't know."


Ten minutes later, he was at it again.


"Yes Mark?"

"I love you so much. An' I just want to make sure you know how much you mean to me."

Ethan blushed, trying not to show it on camera. "Aww, I love you too man!"

Mark pouted. "Did I just get fwiendzoned?"

Ethan bit his lip, knowing this part would get cut out.

"Not at all baby, I love you. I just have to pretend on camera love."

Mark nodded sadly, looking like he was about to cry.


They had went to McDonald's, as Mark wanted a milkshake. When they got up to the window, Ethan was immediately recognized.

"Oh my god, CrankGameplays? Wait, is that Mark?" The fan asked.

Ethan chuckled. "Yeah, he just got his wisdom teeth removed so I'm driving him home. It would be Amy's job, but she's visiting family at the moment."

The fan nodded, obviously trying to contain their excitement.

Mark was basically seething with jealousy. That was HIS Ethan that was talking to somebody else.

"Can we go?" Mark mumbled. "I hurt."

 Ethan looked over. "Ah shit, yeah, sorry Marky. Let's go. It was nice meeting you!"

The fan nodded. "You too! And you, Mark."

Mark nodded slightly in recognition. Ethan apologized to the fan that they had to meet Mark at an inconvenient time. 

While they drove away, Mark put his hand on Ethan's knee. "Mine." He said simply, pouting.

Ethan giggled. "Is that what this is about? Is my big strong man jealous?"

Mark nodded, still pouting. 

"Aww, I'm so sorry baby. I didn't know talking to a fan would make you so protective." Ethan said, teasing him lightly.

"I love you!" He said again, after a moment of silence.

"I love you too," Mark said, his tone of voice lifting.

"No fan is ever gonna make me happier than you do, babe, okay?" Ethan reassured.

Mark just smiled softly. "Yay"

WC: 440

im so so sorry if this wasnt what you were expecting, i couldnt think of a good way to word things, and this is also super short and i feel bad :((

thank you @DiamondsRose for the suggestion!

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