Memento Mori

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stereotypical amnesia trope, anyone?

Ethan groaned as he opened his eyes, the white that hit his eyes blinding him momentarily. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked around the room he was in. A hospital room. Huh?

He noticed a sleeping figure on one of the chairs, and furrowed his eyebrows. That wasn't his dad or Andrew, and it sure as hell wasn't his mom. Why was this man here? He obviously wasn't a doctor or a nurse, and if he was then he wasn't good at it.

Mark's eyes fluttered open, softening as soon as he saw Ethan. "Ethan...Ethan, thank fuck, you're awake."

"Who are you?"

The words were like a stab to the heart. "Ethan...?" his voice was soft, as if he was in a library.

Mark immediately pressed the nurses button on the heart monitor, he wanted answers. Why doesn't Ethan remember him?

"Do you...Do you remember anything at all?"

Ethan racked his brain, but nothing came up.

"I- no, I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember is living in Maine with my parents. My brother had just moved out."

"Oh, Ethan..."

Just then, the nurse came in. "Oh, good, Ethan, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Ethan looked down, seemingly in thought. "My head hurts a lot...I'm mostly just really confused."

The nurse nodded, writing something down on a clipboard. "Do you recall what could've caused a concussion this severe?"

Ethan shook his head. "No, I didn't do any stupid shit as far as I know."

Mark looked at the nurse. "He doesn't remember anything. He doesn't...." he choked back his tears. "He doesn't remember me..."

The nurse looked at Mark with sympathy. "Mark, is there any signs of a concussion you've been seeing in Ethan before he went unconscious?"

Mark thought for a moment. "I mean, he was talking a little weirder than normal...He kept talking about headaches, and he got lightheaded really easily. I just figured his ADHD was acting up and that he wasn't eating as much as he should've been."

Ethan looked at Mark. "How do you...what?"

Mark frowned. "We made a YouTube channel together. We film for it a lot, because we post every day."

Ethan blinked a few times, then put his head down, seemingly in shame for not remembering. "Oh...sorry."

"Don't be, it isn't your fault. It's mine if anyone's. I should've paid more attention."

The nurse looked up at Mark, putting down her keyboard. "Is there anything you know of that could have caused this?"

Mark frowned. "He's...He's been in this relationship, for about a year now. It doesn't seem healthy. He sometimes cuts recordings short after a phone call, and if I'm listening close enough I can hear yelling coming from his phone. I'd hate to think Mika did all of this to him, but it's the only thing I can think of."

The nurse nodded. "Thank you, Mark. I'll leave you here with Ethan to talk."

Ethan piped up as soon as the nurse left. "How long have I known you?"

"Since 2014, so 6 years now..."

Ethan sighed in frustration. "I don't even remember meeting you..."

"Well that might be for the best, after all you always cringe when I bring up us meeting." Mark laughed slightly, trying to make it somewhat less awkward.

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