Bones. ¡¡¡TW ED!!!

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Mark walked into Ethan's room, not knocking because why would he? They lived together now, why would he have a need to knock?

As soon as he walked in, he was met with the sight of Ethan looking at his body from different angles, poking and pinching different areas, grimacing, then moving to a different part.

"Eth?" He asked softly, a little worried.

Ethan nearly jumped out of his skin. "Oh, uh, Mark, hey." He said, quickly pulling his shirt and hoodie back down.

"Are you okay man? You were just, like, checking yourself out..."

"Oh, um...y-yeah, I'm perfectly fine, just harsh comments getting to me, you know? Someone pointed out that I lost my abs..."

Mark sighed. "Ethan...I told you not to look at th-"

"'Those demeaning comments from people who don't know you', I know, I know. It's just hard to not look, you know? When everybody is judging you.."

Mark nodded. "I know Eth, just promise me next time you'll just yell for me or something? I don't want you thinking you're anything less than what you are."

"Yeah? And what am I, Mr. Markiplier?"

"A huge fucking idiot, who I happen to think is fucking perfect."

"Ugh, stop being sweet."

"Why would I?"

Ethan was laughing, smiling, and being his adorable self again. Whatever was bothering him seemed to be better now.


It wasn't better. It was so, so much worse.

"Ethan, have you eaten anything today?"

"Uh, no?"

"Eth, dude, you need to eat, you look like you're about to pass out."

Everything goes black.


Ethan wakes up in the hospital to Mark ranting about "fans." Trying to go back to sleep, but finding it hard, he tunes in on Mark's voice.

"Someone gave you a letter! I-It says, uh, 'Ethan, I hope you feel better soon. I don't know what's going on but from what Mark posted it seems urgent, so I hope everything goes okay! The cranky crew loves you more than words can describe.' Ooh, and they put a little heart at the end! It says that's from Colton! Doesn't have an @ though. Look, and then there's one-"

Ethan slowly opened his eyes, moaning in pain from the brightness of the light. "God, you'd think they'd put the lights lower when people are passed out..."

"Ethan, you're awake..."

"I mean, yeah. Just passed out, at least from what I remember. Thought it was obvious I'd be fine, this has happened plenty of times before."

" were out for 3 days..."

"Wait, what?"

Just then, the doctor walked in.

"Hello Mr. Nestor, I see you've woken up."

"Hi, uh, is there any way I could get a water? My throat hurts like hell..."

The doctor nodded and sent a nurse to get a water.

"So, wait...3 days? What even happened?"

"You, uh..." Mark sighed. "I should've known something was up..."


"Right, sorry, went too long without food. Ethan, be honest with me here..when was the last time you ate a proper meal?"

"Uhhhh...." Ethan thinks back. "Well, what day is it now? 3 days after the 15th, so 18th.. uhhh...the 11th, so..a week?"


"Don't. Please? I know it's bad, I just...I feel gross when I eat food. Feels like people are staring. Judging."

"I won't pry if you don't want me to, Eth. Just know that I care about you, and I love you, and if anything ever happened to you I don't know what I'd-"



"Would you shut up and kiss me?"

"Will you eat something for me?"

Ethan looked down.

"Ethan, you need to eat something. I promise you that nobody is looking, or judging. Food is good. supposed to be eaten. That's its entire point. Please, you gotta eat something...I don't want to watch as you destroy yourself for the sake of being thin."

"Mark, I'm-It's not that easy...not for me."

"I know. I know it's hard for you to eat, and I know I could never understand just how hard it must be for you to eat something without hating it, but please...please try. I don't care if it's the most healthy and fulfilling thing or the shittiest food you could eat. Please, please try."

Ethan choked back his tears and nodded. "I...I'll try. I can't promise anything, but I'll try."

Mark looked up at him with teary eyes and gave a weak smile. "Thank you." he said, his voice breaking at the end.


Ethan was getting better. He was eating consistently, he wasn't weighing himself every hour, and he was doing alright.

Then...he looked at some comments.

'Ethan seems like he's gaining a bit of weight...not hate he just seems chubbier than usual.'

Ethan started to tear up. He searched channel comments for keywords, like 'weight' or 'fat' or 'gross'. He read comment after comment and the more he read the more he sobbed.

There was a knock at his door.


Ethan ignored it.

Another knock. "Ethan, open the door."

He didn't reply again, hoping Mark would just leave.

Instead, what he got was the sound of a door opening.

Mark walked over to the bed where Ethan sat, and gestured to the spot next to him. "Mind if I sit down?"

Ethan shook his head, and he felt the weight on his bed shift as Mark sat down.

"Can I touch you or is that too much right now?"

Ethan didn't reply, and practically jumped into Mark's arms, sobbing yet again. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm s-so, so, s-sorry....."

"Ethan." Mark said, placing his hand firmly on the small of Ethan's back.

"Listen to me."

Ethan looked up, his breaths shaky as he let his teary eyes into Mark's.

"You are perfect. Just the way you are, okay? Don't let those stupid, irrelevant, disgusting hate comments get to you, because they don't matter at all. Because you are fucking amazing. And I don't care how many times I'll have to remind you of that. I can tell you it once every fucking hour if I need to, because you need to understand just how fucking incredible you are."

"Mark I-"

"No, listen. You are the single most important person in my life. No stupid fucking comment is going to make me believe otherwise, so please don't let it affect you, because I love you. I love you so fucking much and nothing will ever change that, okay?"

Ethan broke down again. "M-Mark...?"

"Yeah Eth?"


"Anytime. Like I said, literally any time."

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Ethan spoke again. "Hey Mark?"


"I love you too."

WC: 1119

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