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read part 1 (Wish I Were...) for context!

Mark sighed as he listened to Amy speak. "Amy, for god's sake will you stop talking for a sec? I told you we need to talk, not you need to talk!"

Amy finally stopped, her mouth closing slowly in shock. "Sorry, got carried away. What's up?"

"I'm done."

Amy cocked her head to the side. "With?"

"Us. I can't do this anymore. The more I talk to you, hang out with you...the more I realise it isn't you who I want to be with."

"Mark, I-"

"Enough. Don't try to talk me out of this, you should know by now that's useless."

Amy's jaw seems to clench, fighting off tears, or maybe anger, Mark isn't sure. "It's that Ethan kid, isn't it?"

Mark blinked for a second, processing the question. "I-"

"I knew it! That twink you kissed under the bleachers before we started dating! I fucking knew it! Oh my god, I dated a fucking fag..."

"Amy, what the fuck?!"

"You know its true! Just...fuck off! Get your queer ass out of my house!"

Mark made a face of disgust and confusion. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"About what? The fact that you're a fag?"

"No, the fact that you have the fucking audacity to say that shit to me. I'm not a faggot. I'm a human fucking being. Treat me like one."

"Whatever, just get the fuck out of my life."

Mark turned away and left, immediately texting Ethan.

You: come over

Eth <3: why tf should i? its useless.

You: just do it. please?

Eth <3: im gonna need a better reason than that, lover boy.

You: we need to talk again.

Eth <3: you could just fucking invite yourself in like earlier.

You: ethan...

Eth <3: what? im right.

You: please.

He didn't get a reply for a good 3 minutes.

Eth <3: youre so fucking lucky we live near each other.

Mark cheered in his head as he walked home to see Ethan.


Ethan sighed. "So why the hell did you want me here?"

"Because it was never Amy. She was never the one I wanted, I realise that now. I had to talk to her before we could keep talking because..." he swallows, attempting to clear the lump in his throat. "I needed to break up with her before I did something I'd regret."

Ethan was silent for a moment. "And that something is...?" he breathed out after a moment, his voice small and eager.


Ethan's senses were overwhelmed for a moment as Mark cupped his cheek with one hand, his other on Ethan's waist. They were so close he could feel Mark's heart beating.

"Is it okay if I do this?" Damn him and his fucking consent.

"Yeah..." Ethan whispered, making a small noise when their lips finally connected. It was like it was the 3rd all over again, he felt like he was under the bleachers with the wind biting at him. It was heaven.

Mark tried to pull away for air, and he only got a small gulp before Ethan was pulling him in again.

"Don't leave me this time." Ethan mumbles against Mark's lips.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

WC: 532

hi this was short and i probably couldve added it to the first part but i wanted the first part to be an angsty one where the happy ending never happened so-

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