I'm here for you

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Ethan shot out of his unconscious state, too panicked to realize the tears streaming down his face. He looked around at the unfamiliar setting, before remembering he was at PAX East for a con.

Mark had been awoken by hearing faint crying through the wall that seperated his and Ethan's door. He got up quickly and left, not caring about his sleepy, disheveled state, and knocked on Ethan's door softly before walking in.


Ethan turned at the sound of Mark's voice, crying as the events of his nightmare replayed in his head. Mark sat next to Ethan on the bed and placed his arm around him, rubbing circles on his back.

"Did I wake you up? I-I'm sorry...."

"Don't be, Eth, I'd much rather be able to comfort you. What happened?"

Ethan buried his head into Mark, finding the warm feeling that surrounded him comforting. "Bad dream, i-it was stupid, don't worry..." he chuckled softly after speaking.

"Nothing is stupid if it makes you cry, Eth." Mark started, "But if you don't want to talk about it, I get it."

"Thank you," Ethan said gratefully.

"Of course." Mark started to stand. "Now, I better go back, we're gonna be busy tomorr-"

"W-Wait!" Ethan cut Mark off, "Please don't leave..."

Mark looked at the purely broken expression on Ethan's face, and his heart instantly melted. He sat back down next to his friend. "Alright, just for tonight though, okay? Unless you have another nightmare. You wanna watch a movie or something?"

Ethan nodded, and Mark put on the first movie he saw, laying down and gesturing for Ethan to do the same.

Ethan immediately curled up into Mark's arms, making him chuckle slightly as he held Ethan tight.

Halfway through the movie, which was undoubtedly boring, Mark looked over to see Ethan sound asleep. Mark kissed his forehead and whispered quietly, "I'm here for you, blueberry. Don't ever forget that."

He saw a small smile on Ethan's lips as he slept, and slowly drifted to sleep himself.

WC: 332

just a little something because i was bored out of my mind, also yes this is kinda short forgive me i didn't know how to make it any longer lmao. anyway i hope yall enjoyed jdkgfds

stay cranky, bye

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