No more.

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Mark sighed as Ethan took yet another swig of alcohol. He was drunk enough already, more wasn't necessary. "Eth, why don't you give it a res-"

"Oh fuck off Mark, you're just jealous because you can't fucking drink." Ethan spat.

The longer alcohol was kept in the house, the more often Ethan drank and the more drunk he got. It was a problem, and it was one Ethan wasn't willing to acknowledge. Anytime Mark brought up the previous night, Ethan froze up, claiming he was fine and didn't want to talk about it.

Tonight though, Mark was fed up. He'd had a bad day already, and this shit wasn't about to ruin his last ounce of patience.

"Ethan, give me the bottle." he said sternly.

Ethan rolled his eyes and ignored Mark, taking another swig.

"Ethan Mark Nestor-Darling." Mark said, a bit louder.

Ethan continued to ignore him.

"Fine." Mark stood up and snatched the bottle of near-empty whiskey straight from Ethan's hands.

"MARK!" Ethan nearly screeched. "THAT'S MY FUCKING DRINK!" he yelled as he chased after the older man.

"Not anymore." Mark said as he poured the remainder of the whiskey out, going into the fridge to get all of the other alcohol they had.

"NOOOOO! MARK YOU CAN'T! I NEED THAT! PLEASE, I'LL BE GOOD I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T DO ITTTT!" Ethan pleaded, screaming as he clawed at Mark's shirt trying to reach the bottle Mark was now holding up in the air.

"Ethan. Look at me." Mark said. Ethan quickly obliged, tears streaking down his face.

"I'll make you a deal. If you can go, say, 3 weeks without alcohol, I won't pour any more out. I don't care if I have to accompany you everywhere to make sure you dont touch any. This is a problem that needs fixed. But, no more for 3 weeks."

Ethan whined loudly. "M-MArk I-" he hiccuped, interrupting his sentence. "-I need it." he said as if it was fact.

"The only thing you need is a better coping mechanism. Alcohol does nothing but make the problems harder to face later. I don't know what's happening with you, but I'm gonna fucking fix it. I'm tired of seeing you blackout drunk on the couch every night."

Ethan still looked unsure and still angry at the larger man, so he relented. "Drink water, and come to bed with me, you may be a fucking idiot but I still love you. We can talk more in the morning when you're semi-right in the head. Yell if you need me, okay?" Mark said before walking upstairs into their room.

Ethan looked at the mess around the room, and followed Mark upstairs without a word.

WC: 435

im bigsad so here

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