Fall For You. ¡¡¡TW abuse and rape!!!

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Ethan stared at Mark from across the room, admiring him from afar.

God, he was pretty.

Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade played through his earbuds.

It fit too well.

He missed Mark. Missed their relationship. The fighting, the dates, the happy moments, the sad moments.

All of it.

He wanted it back so badly.

But he was a realist. And realistically, Mark would rather not even look in his direction ever again.

Because he fucked up.

He got too attached, and that was the end of it all.

Ethan was self aware. He knew he was clingy. But he never thought a relationship would end because of it.

He needed to stop, and he knew that.

But Mark could never understand unless he explained ALL of it.

And that was fucking terrifying.


Ethan sat in the backseat of the car, his eyes threatening to spill tears. "I'm sorry, Mom. I-I'll do better, I promise, just let me prove it to you."

His mom shook her head. "No, Ethan. You've proved to me well enough that you can't do shit for your grades. When we get out of this car, you're giving me that damn phone."

Ethan looked up quickly. "Mom, please, I need it..."

"That's the thing! You're on that shit so much, you don't get any schoolwork done! It's terrible! If you aren't going to do your damn work, I'm getting the phone!"

"Just...promise you won't look through it?"

"I don't owe you shit, Ethan. I pay for this phone, I gave you life, I'll look through it if I want to."

Ethan's lip quivered, sharply inhaling and breaking into a small, silent sob.


"I swear, that phone is making you go fucking crazy."

Ethan would never say it aloud, but he knew his mom was right. After all, she said it all the time, so how could it not be right?

He couldn't wait until college.

He would be moving in with his internet friend, Mark, in Ohio. They'd be going to the same college, and Ethan would stay with Mark until he had enough money with his job to afford a small apartment for himself.

They had planned this out multiple times. Just three more years of this. Three more years of alcohol, and tears, and feeling absolutely fucking worthless.


Ethan was shaken out of his own thoughts. when the professor called his name. "Huh?" he asked.

"I had asked if you needed a moment outside. You look like you're about to cry, man."

Ethan shook his head quickly. "I'm alright."

"Alright, then keep up, okay?"

Ethan nodded.

Mark gave him a look of concern when he thought Ethan wasn't looking.

But Ethan was looking. Mark looked at him. Willingly.

It scared him, but also excited him.

He didn't want to have hope anymore. He wanted to give up and move on.

But he got hope.

So he didn't give up.

He texted Mark after school while he was ordering Starbucks.

"Meet me in the Starbucks near your house? We need to talk about some stuff."

Now he waited.

And he hoped.


Mark sat down across from Ethan at his table. "Alright, spit it out."

"You know I'm sorry, right?"

"Ethan, I know."

"I feel like you deserve to know what really happened."

Mark nodded, waiting for him to start talking again.

A few minutes passed, the two of them sitting in uncomfortable silence.

"So are you gonna say something, or-"

"I don't want you to think I'm using it as an excuse, or to say you deserved what happened."

"Okay, then I'll try my best not to think that."

"So, I-I've been going to a therapist."

"That's good, I guess-"

"She said a reason why I might've done what I did is because of lack of affection as a kid."

"Okay, what does that mean?"

"You remember in class, when I apparently looked like I was going to cry?"


"I was thinking about it. My past."

"And, what did you remember?"

"It's really blurry, and the things I can remember aren't good."

"Ethan...how don't you remember your childhood? It was literally like, 8 years ago."

"The last thing I can clearly remember about my mom, she was drunk for. And my dad..."

"Your dad....?"

"The last thing I can remember is his face when he told us he didn't know why he cheated."


"I didn't mean to, Mark. I told myself I wouldn't do that. I promised myself I wouldn't become them, and I-"

"You think you're as bad as them?"

"I mean, yeah. I-I drank too much at that stupid fucking party, and then I-"

"Ethan, do you honestly think I blame you for what happened?"

"I-I mean, yeah. I cheated on you, didn't I-?"

"Ethan, you were drunk. I heard you saying no over and over at that party. You didn't cheat on me, you-"

"I was raped?"


"No, that can't be right...I did that to myself. It's...It's my fault."

"No it's not, Ethan...I broke up with you because I thought you needed some time to heal and be alone for a little."


Then it clicked with Ethan. The memories came to fruition.

He shuddered, his eyes tearing up yet again. "Mark, I thought you...I thought you hated me."

"How could I ever hate you? I've been waiting for you since it happened. I was waiting for you so that you could be okay again. I've missed you this entire time."


"You looked so sad earlier today, so I was really surprised when you texted me. Honestly, I thought you just didn't want to be with me anymore."

"No, I...I want to be friends again. I dont know about boyfriends, because this is gonna take a while to process, but I miss us."

"I miss us too."

WC: 981

that was fun to write lmao. I hope you all enjoyed, and i rlly hope i wrote that in a way that was respectful, as ive never gone through rape so i dont fully know what thats like

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