Goddamn Peanuts

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Mark came home with the blizzards. He had gotten a Heath Blizzard, just to try it, and Ethan played it safe with cookie dough. They had looked at the website, and it contained no traces of peanut. Okay, left is mine, right is Ethan's, he thought to himself, keeping track in case his blizzard had peanuts in it. But, being prone to goofing, Mark had completely forgotten which was which once he had set them down.

Ethan grabbed the first one he saw, the one on the left. Mark's. He took a bite quickly, letting the ice cream linger in his mouth. "This is definitely not cookie dough." he laughed.

Mark chuckled. "Is my blizzard good, you thief?" Ethan nodded happily, taking another bite before switching it out with his own. Mark rolled his eyes fondly. "You're a doofus, you know that?" Ethan plastered on a cheesy grin, taking a bite of the cookie dough blizzard. "Ah, much better."

Mark giggled, pulling out his phone to check if the heath blizzard had any peanut traces, just to be safe.

And, of fucking course, it does.

"Uh, Eth?"

"Yeah Marky?"

"Where's your EpiPen?" he asked, worry lacing his tone.

"Not sure, it should be in the drawer like it always is...why?"

Mark looked at him seriously. "Take your shirt off."

Ethan laughed as he got an itch on his back. "Okay, damn, horny much?"

"Ethan I'm serious, the heath blizzard has peanut traces, take your fucking shirt off so I can make sure you aren't getting a rash or anything."

It clicked in Ethan's mind, and his eyes widened. "Oh fuck, where's my EpiPen, jesus christ.."

He went to look in the drawer, only to see that it wasn't there. "Ah, fuck Mark, where the hell is it!"

"I don't know, we never had to use it! Sit on the couch, I'll look for it. If anything starts happening you tell me immediately, alright?"

Ethan nodded as he went to the couch, his breathing uneven. He couldn't tell if it was from his panicking or if he was having a reaction, but he was terrified. Almost anytime he'd had an allergic reaction, he had his EpiPen with him at the ready. And now it was nowhere to be found.

He started getting a really bad itch, and no matter how hard he scratched nothing helped. He hated this so fucking much.

Mark was still looking frantically, and if you hadn't known what happened, you'd think the police came to search.

"Mark! I can't...breathe..not good, shit..."

Mark froze in place. "Fuck, Eth, I'm sorry, I don't..."

"Dizzy..." he mumbled, eyes fluttering closed.

"No, Eth, stay with me, I'm calling an ambulance okay? Just stay with me, don't...don't pass out, please." he called 911, holding a lightheaded Ethan in his arms.

"Mark, chest....hurts..."

"I know Eth, I know, stay with me, okay? It's gonna be okay, you'll be alright."

Ethan started coughing, which turned into pretty much dry heaving as they waited for the ambulance.

Just as Ethan lost consciousness, the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher.


Mark was in the waiting room for hours, his head in his hands as he waited for the doctors to tell him if his boyfriend was okay. This was torture. He just wanted to hold Ethan in his arms, kiss him goodnight and cuddle him, but he couldn't.

When he was finally let into the room, his Ethan, his beloved boyfriend, who he wanted to fucking marry, was laying there in a coma.

He had never wanted to cry more than he did in that moment. When he realised how serious this was. When he realised he might lose his only love in the world. It crushed him.

And it only got worse from there.

From cardiac arrest at 3am, to doctors saying they may need to pull the plug, Mark stayed. Tyler had brought him food, or tried to at least, and they had all visited Ethan, but Mark stayed. He was going to stay until he got his Ethan back.

And he stayed until, at 4:27am, he woke up to one long beeping sound.

His boyfriend was dead.

And he was the reason.

WC: 674

hi i have 0 clue what an allergic reaction is like so i did a lot of research and implemented some things i saw. also yes, the heath blizzard has peanut traces. yes, i did look at dairy queens menu and allergen list to find ones that fit. no im not okay. ANYWAY this was super fun to make because of how much research i had to do to make sure it sounded somewhat okay n im actually decently proud of it so yay! uwu

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