Blue Boi

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Mark hated the ocean ever since he was little.

The water was freezing, he got sand in places he didn't know sand could go, his body never moved the way he wanted it to when he was swimming, and it just sucked.

But here he was, at the beach house his parents had got for the summer.

He was with Tyler, so he wasn't exactly alone, but it was boring as fuck when you didn't go into the water. Until they found a boat, and Mark realised the money he'd been saving up was enough to buy it.

Boat time, baby.

Tyler drove the boat while Mark stayed in the back, seeing the sunset glimmer over the water. He smiled, despite himself.

Maybe he didn't hate the ocean as much after all.

"Uh, we might wanna go back soon dude. It looks like it's gonna storm soon." Tyler said, being the only one of his friends with some sort of common sense.

"Let's just stay until the sun sets, it's really pretty." Mark said, not bothering to look at the other as his eyes were transfixed on the sight in the sky.

"Alright, but if the boat wrecks it's your fault." Tyler said teasingly, turning back to the wheel.

Mark just nodded, still watching the sunset with interest. Until he felt a raindrop on his cheek. And then another.

Soon enough, it was pouring, and he heard thunder in the distance. Tyler immediately started driving the boat back towards the beach house.

The water was violent, waves crashing against the boat as they went back to the house. It was tossing and turning like crazy.

And then, Mark tumbled out with a shout.

The water was frigid, and he was flailing his arms like crazy as he tried to get back to the boat. Bubbles were surrounding him, and he had to fight the urge to open his mouth and breathe.

Suddenly, he was being held, lifted up in the water by something-someone-and before he knew it he was in the air again, able to breath.

He looked down into the water, trying to find what had lifted him, but there was nothing.

He was going crazy, surely.

But something in his mind told him to keep looking, so he did.


The next day, no matter how much Tyler didn't want to, they were out in the water yet again. And soon enough, they were back where they were the night previously. Mark had explained what happened to Tyler, and they had a setup for if Mark felt like he was going to drown, but the sky was clear that day. There was no harm in a little swimming, right?

He jumped off the boat, holding his nose. After the bubbles cleared, he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. It didn't seem out of the ordinary at all, until he looked up. Strong arms were surrounding him yet again, and he quickly looked down. The sight was astonishing.

A boy, not too much younger looking than himself, with a gorgeous blue tail that shimmered as he swam. There were gills on his neck that opened and closed, and his brown hair waved around his face as he carried the human.

"Wh-" Mark tried to speak, but realised he was still underwater and started coughing, his lungs dying for breath. The merman hesitated for a second, but pushed their lips together, and suddenly Mark was able to breathe.

"How- why- what?" He was still in denial. Mermaids weren't real, right? They were just pretend, a fun myth for kids to believe in order to stay entertained. But they weren't real, of course. At least, he never thought so...

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