Don't Listen to a Word I Say.

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Ethan was upset.

They had just finished up the "Ethan Redefines Male Beauty" video, and while it was fun and all to just fuck around with different stuff, Mark's comments started to hurt.

Really badly.

The hateful words swirled through his mind as Mark said the outro.

I'm obviously beautiful, you're obviously hideously ugly.

You're fucking ugly!

You're obviously the ugliest.

I'm the hot one.

As soon as the video was done, he excused himself, making up a lame excuse that he had to pee. He walked into the bathroom and immediately broke down as he shut the door behind him.

It was a joke.

He knew it was a joke.

So why did he feel like this?

He tried to stay as quiet as possible, and fortunately he heard Mark and Amy having a conversation so he hoped they wouldn't hear him.


Mark could tell something was wrong with Ethan. He seemed fine on camera, sure, but if you looked closer he looked like he was on the verge of tears. And with him suddenly leaving once the video was over, Mark was certain something was up. So, he did what he does every time he wants to help a friend.

"Amy, does Ethan seem off to you too?"

"Yeah actually, I almost stopped filming to ask if he was okay a few times. Do you know what's up?"

Mark shook his head.

"It would be a bad idea to go check up on him, right?"

"Yes. He's an adult, Mark. If he has a problem he can come to us, he knows that."

Mark nodded, and was silent for a while.

"...You're gonna go check on him, aren't you?"

Mark nodded again before going up the stairs and to the bathroom door.


Ethan heard a knock on the door.


"Ye-ah?" His voice broke as he spoke, a clear indicator that he was crying.

Mark's voice could be heard from behind the door. "Ethan can I come in?" he asked calmly.

Ethan shook his head, then remembered Mark can't see him. "No, I- I'm..." he tried to think of an excuse, but eventually sighed in defeat.

Mark slowly opened the door. The sight of his best friend crying on the toilet, hands hugging his knees as he sobbed in a ball broke him. "Oh, Eth. Why didn't you tell me something was wrong?"

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut. "Didn't want to make you mad." He muttered.

Mark frowned. "Ethan...if something happens that makes you upset, come to me. We're friends. Don't ever think for a moment that you can't come to me for something. I care about you. So fucking much."

Ethan looked up at Mark, sniffling. "M-Mark..."


"C-Can you maybe...not make as many jokes about me? Like, I know it's just for the bit and you don't mean it, but" he paused. "a lot of times it doesn't feel like you don't mean it..."

Mark took Ethan's hand. "Ethan, come here with me, okay?"

Ethan tilted his head slightly, confusion evident on his face.

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