Electric Love

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Ethan sat in class as he listened to the teacher drone on and on about things he already knew. He didn't consider himself smart at all, just in the wrong class.

"Ay Nestor!" Someone said. He looked up and saw them making a motion like they were sucking dick.

Yeah, definitely in the wrong class.

"You know, there's easier ways of letting me know you're interested."

The guy went silent, and his friends started laughing hysterically.

Next thing Ethan knew, he was being punched in the arm.

"What a way to get my attention." He replied sarcastically as he looked over. 

Mark Fischbach. His bully since 6th grade.

You'd think it would get old, considering it's now their senior year of highschool. You'd think a guy would learn.


"Hey Nestor, watch your goddamn mouth!" Mark said, but Ethan caught him glancing at his lips as they made eye contact.

"Nah, I think I'm good. You're watching my mouth enough for the both of us."

Mark turned a deep shade of red. "Fine, you wanna be such a bitch? Come over tonight, 7:30pm."

"And why exactly would I do that?" Ethan asked, getting ready to roll his eyes at whatever homophobic nonsense Mark was going to think up this time.

"If you want me to stop fucking with you, you'll come over. If not...you'll get what you deserve."

"Fine, jesus..."


Ethan walked down the street where Mark's house supposedly was. He had no clue where he was, but he didn't want his ass beat again so he did as he was told.

Who he assumed to be Mark's mother opened the door after he knocked. 


"Hi, this is the Fischbach house, right?"

"Yes! Oh, you must be the tutor Mark told me about, come in, come in."




Ethan walked up the stairs to where he was told Mark's room was, finally escaping the grasp of Sunok, Mark's mother.

He knocked on the door. "Mar-"

"Shut up and come in!"

He sighed, opening the door and walking in. "You know, if you wanted me to tutor you, you could've just-"

"I said shut up!"

"Oh...kay....Well what exactly do you need help with?"

"Algebra. These dumbass equations make no sense and I'm tired of it."

"That's fair, do you have an algebra book or is it just packets and shit?"


Ethan stood at his locker a few days later, when another jock, Tyler, approached him. "Sup there little bitch. Why the fuck were you in Mark's house yesterday, huh? Were you begging for him to fuck you or something? Wanted a cheap dick suck?"

Ethan shot a glare at Tyler. He was about to speak before he heard another voice.

"Ay, shut up man. Let Ethan be."

Ethan turned his head to see Mark behind him. "Wh-"

"C'mon Mark, you're not really defending this lil guy are you?"

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