Chapter 6 - Thanks

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I was leaning against the wall of the hallway, still glancing outside the window a few meters away, when my new leader Risotto walked over and leaned against the wall next to me.

-...I didn't expect you to be a woman. There are not many women involved in organizations like this.
-Hmph. Well, surprise, we do exist.
-I didn't know that you are one of Grigio's subordinates. He can be proud to be the Capo of a gangster like you.
-Huh? What do you mean?
-Your fame precedes you. Everyone in this organization has heard of the shadow of Passione. "A woman that only walks in the shadows and kills her targets quickly and silently. She keeps almost everything about herself a secret, including her face. The only well-known thing about her is her name, 'Ravioli'" I can't even guess the number of times I've heard these exact same sentences in the last few years.

I didn't know I made people talk about me so much. I heard somethings sometimes, about being the "only" woman in Passione and all, but I didn't think I would be this talked about. As I glanced subtly at his face, I noticed that his sclera was pitch black and his irises red. I guess that's the 'scary' fact about him? I actually think his eyes are cool.

-Whatever, Ravioli...I'm glad I finally got to know the face behind that name.

He said while walking away towards another room, probably his office. I watched him as he began taking the first step away from the wall.

I feel like I should tell him, but should I, really? I really shouldn't, or maybe I should...Whatever, I will!

I stopped him a second before he had fully left, saying something that I did not believe I would.

Risotto's POV

Earlier that morning

I was checking if we had gotten any new jobs, but nothing new. Melone, Illuso and Formaggio have a job scheduled in an hour, and there's another job that has to be done tonight. I think I'll take care of that one. I suddenly got a message from Nicolo Grigio, I haven't talked to that guy in over a year.

"Nero, I was the one in charge of sending your group the new temporary member. I sent Ravioli, I'm sure you know about her. I sent you a picture for reference since her face is not known to anyone outside my team."

I didn't know the Boss chose Grigio to be the one to send me one of his subordinates as a temporary component of my group. I didn't even know that the very well known Ravioli is under his orders. Life is full of surprises. I was checking the photo he sent me when I heard my team being loud about something. The noise was getting on my nerves, I got up and went to see what they were doing.

-What is all the fuss about?

I entered the room and saw that there was a woman standing in the middle of the room. Before I could take a look at her properly, Formaggio and Prosciutto started talking.

-Boss, did they really send a woman as our new member?
-There must be a mistake! Is she even from Passione? Isn't she a spy from another organization? Hey! You didn't even give us your name!!

Prosciutto doesn't trust her, that was expected.


Everyone started freaking out. I could see it in her eyes that she was telling the truth. The picture I was sent also matched her appearance: the same H/C coloured hair, the same E/C eyes, the same black coat which was similar to mine.

-I don't buy that. Your face is not known to anyone. What if you're pretending to be her?
-Why are you doubting me so much? I was sent here by an order that my Capo, Nicolo Grigio, received from the Boss. I told you my name. Now tell me yours.

Prosciutto really can't bring himself to even trust her identity. Surprisingly, she was yet to start yelling and getting mad at him, I didn't expect her to be this patient. But then again, she's Ravioli, what else is too expected from a gangster known for murdering her targets completely cold-blooded.

-Prosciutto. Her Capo has already confirmed her identity. There's no need to worry.

I stepped in, forcing Prosciutto to trust the fact that she really is Ravioli and our new member. After that everyone went back to do what they were doing before the arrival of Ravioli. Ghiaccio called me over to show me some updates on the mission of tonight. After we were done, I headed for my office and saw that Ravioli was looking at the rain outside the window. I was contemplating if I should stop and start a conversation with her or just go straight back to my office. It would be rude to just walk past her. I decided to go with the first option.

-...I didn't expect you to be a woman. There are not many women involved in organizations like this.
-Hmph. Well, surprise, we do exist.
-I didn't know that you are one of Grigio's subordinates. He can be proud to be the Capo of a gangster like you.
-Huh? What do you mean?
-Your fame precedes you. Everyone in this organization has heard of the shadow of Passione. "A woman that only walks in the shadows and kills her targets quickly and silently. She keeps almost everything about herself a secret, including her face. The only well-known thing about her is her name, 'Ravioli'" I can't even guess the number of times I've heard these exact same sentences in the last few years.

I've heard these same pieces of information about her so many times, just by walking down the street on a busy night. I wonder if she also hears so much talking about herself, but judging by her silence, her own fame is news to her.

-Whatever, Ravioli...I'm glad I finally got to know the face behind that name.

I went to finally leave for my office, but she suddenly spoke up.

-Y/N...that's... my first name.
-Is that so?
-Yeah, just... Don't call me that if I'm not around or I don't have a weapon in my hands...

I can't believe this. I just told him my real name. Nicolo, you better know that this is my way of thanking him. Dammit.

-Ok, Y/N. You have a mission tonight. Get ready.

He said before entering his office. Ok, I didn't plan on telling anyone else about my first name, but here we are. He seems like the guy to call his subordinates by their last name anyway. And I already have a mission.

Rain, what is the good thing that's going to happen soon supposed to be?

Risotto's POV

-Y/N...that's... my first name.

Y/N...I didn't know she was still using her first name, I had only ever heard her being called Ravioli, I never heard anything about her first name.

-Is that so?
-Yeah, just... Don't call me that if I'm not around or I don't have a weapon in my hands...

Looks like she doesn't like sharing that information. Maybe she's trying to gain a bit more of my trust. No, she would've said it sooner if she wanted to gain my trust.

-Ok, Y/N. You have a mission tonight. Get ready.

I'm assigning her the mission I had programmed to complete tonight, but that doesn't mean I won't be there. I want to see her in action. The rumours say that she's very skilled, but I have no way of believing the rumours. She's going to be part of my team from now on, so I want to get an idea of what exactly she can do.


I'm usually pretty good at reading people, but him, I can't make out what he's thinking at all. I don't know his true intentions on giving me a mission that's supposed to be done so soon so suddenly. Would this have happened if I had just kept quiet and not told him about my name? Why did I even tell him such confidential information about myself just to thank him for his decency? Why did I act so irrationally...

All this for saying thanks.

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