Chapter 13 - Silence

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After I practically ran out the door of the hideout, I rushed for the nearby more populated streets. Naturally, I wasn't informed of where they were supposed to go to take Bucciarati's team down, so I was left with the second-best possibility I had in the situation: ask the civilians. Bucciarati is well-liked by the whole city, he's too much of a kind and reliable man to be disliked by anyone outside Passione and other criminal organizations. While my teammates are not in the public eye much if at all, and those who do know them most likely dislike them or fear them. I saw a pair of older ladies buying vegetables, they seemed like the kinda ladies that know everything that's going on around town. I approached them and pulled my hood down too look a bit more "friendly".

-Buonpomeriggio. Do you happen to know where I can find Bruno Bucciarati?
-Bruno Bucciarati? Oh, deary, he's not in town right now!
-Yes, we saw him go to the train station earlier!
- Oh, alright, thanks for the information! Arrivederci!

The train station?! They're going to get on a train!?

I started running, praying to make it on time.
If the train leaves, I will never find's gonna be too late! This all Risotto's fault...

I got to the station just as the loudspeaker announced the departure of a train. I saw Prosciutto and Pesci get on the first wagon and I rushed there as fast as I could. I jumped on the wagon just in time to push Pesci back outside.

-You get back to the hideout!!

I screamed just as the train began to move. And I still had Prosciutto to get off the wagon.
Even tho I got on the train just seconds after they did, Prosciutto had already wandered off to somewhere. Great. And by the looks of it, he had already activated Grateful Death. Even more great.
Now, where do I find some ice?

Luckily I found some quickly enough in the restaurant car and I could begin the real search for my other teammate. Unfortunately, I didn't get as lucky, after searching two wagons there were still no signs of him, just the old, zombie-like passengers left behind by his Stand power. After I barged through the door of the fourth wagon, I finally found him. He looked over his shoulder right at me.

-Why the fuck are you following me???

Judging from the tone of his voice he wanted me dead on the spot. I know very well that he dislikes me a lot, but the fact that he dislikes me doesn't change the fact that he's still a teammate with a useful ability, that shouldn't be wasted like this.

-We're both getting off this damn train and back to the hideout!
-Like hell I am! Don't fucking interfere with my mission!
-Listen, not to belittle your Stand's ability, but Bucciarati's team always finds a way to succeed!
-Shut the fuck up! La Squadra Esecuzioni never backs down from a mission until it's completed!

He stepped dangerously close to me, I knew what would happen if his Stand made direct contact with me in any way, the little ice I had with me would never suffice in that situation.

-Listen here, what do I gain from keeping you alive?? You have no interest in taking down the Boss, do you? Once we take him down you would just go back to your old Capo, right? How do I know you're not here to kill me for betraying the organization? What difference does it make to me to kill you just about now?!

I was a little taken aback by his intimidatory speech, but I didn't even have time to react that a couple of bullets flew into his back. He dropped to his knees because of the sudden attack, as I heard some high pitched voices yell.

-Mista! Mista! This way!!!

Oh, dammit, it's Guido Mista!
If we don't get off this damn train right this instant, we're as good as dead, Mista isn't the type to let the targets off easily. As Prosciutto raised his head slightly trying to get back up, I saw a bullet headed right for the back of his skull. Luckily I had my "sense enhancing" ability activated and I saw the bullet on time, but it's still a bullet, and it was flying quickly through the air. I put my hand up to shield the attack. The bullet stopped creating a gaping hole in my palm. I bit my lip slightly to suffocate the pain. With my uninjured hand, I grabbed Prosciutto's shoulder and forced him on his feet and dragged him out of the wagon by the sleeve. I called out my Stand and created a small veil of invisibility over us. I kicked down the train's door and we both jumped outside landing on the grass luckily with no further injuries. Despite that, I barely had the strength to keep myself together after the jump. I hate using this ability, creating an "invisibility veil", or "sharing " my ability with others is so much more draining than anything else I can do. Despite that, I got up stumbling and healed Prosciutto's wounds.

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