Chapter 17 - Photo

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-You have more information than this, don't you?

I asked as I and Risotto were about to leave Venezia.

-Come on, I'm sure you've collected way more information than this

I told him while stopping in my tracks. He looked back at me.

-What are you talking about? Y/N we need to leave at once.

I shivered slightly hearing my name. His voice sounded nervous. I better not get him irritated...

-C-Come on... You didn't look for any more information than what you shared with me?

He frowned slightly, maybe trying to keep his cool.

-... We searched through the girl and her mother's house the day we got the information.
-And when was that?
-The day before yesterday.

I had to do some mental calculations to understand what day he meant as yesterday after we had travelled overnight until something clicked.

-Wait... So when you dragged me out of my spot at that party and told me the mission was off... Was that...
-The day we got the information of the girl's existence.

So that's why the mission was off...

-I don't get it... So that was the day you did the search...? Without me knowing anything...?

Risotto went silent and closed his eyes.

-I'm sorry. I didn't want to involve you.

He sounded genuinely sorry. I wasn't expecting him to apologize for this...

-... Don't worry. I would've betrayed the Boss someday anyway...

He opened his eyes slightly, but he still looked a little sad.

-Rather... Tell me, you really didn't find anything else?
-Nothing really.
-Risotto, please... What are we going to do now? Just die-off...? We already betrayed the organization... Please. At least let's give it a try... Please...

I kept pleading and begging him to try and remember something. We had gotten this far, why give up now?

After a brief pause, his eyes reverted back to being empty of any expression.

-There weren't many clues. Trish Una, she has her mother's surname. Her mother knew her father as Solido Naso, that's a cover-up name.
-Really? Nothing at all? Not letters addressed to him, no pictures nor trinkets in his memory?

He paused again thinking deeply.

-There was a picture.

My eyes widened at the new information.

-What was it about? Does anyone in the team have a copy of it??
-I'm unsure. We need to check up with them. All I remember is that there was a picture of Trish's mother when she was young. She was posing alone at a beach.
-Couldn't it have been a normal photo of a vacation?
-It was next to all the family pictures and important milestones in her life. I don't think she'd put up the picture of a normal vacation. It must have been important to her.

Right... He's right. Dammit, how can he be so smart even while we could be caught by the Boss's elite guard any second??

-Maybe... could it have been by any chance... Taken when she met the Boss?
-It's a possibility. You have a good idea.

Really? Did he like my idea?

-But then... Don't you know where it was taken?

Risotto let out a slightly frustrated sigh.

-... No. It was written on the picture but I can't recall it.
-Woah, it's okay, don't stress it, let's contact your team and we'll see.

I put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

-... We're running short on time Y/N. We need to go.
-I get it but where to? Which direction do we flee...?

Risotto looked around our surroundings, he was about to become invisible again. We had to leave quickly.

-Wait, one moment... Let's try to be reasonable. Which beach is a tourist hotspot that's not near well-known cities?
-We can exclude the West coast of the country.
-As well as the East one. The islands...! Maybe it was Sicily?

Risotto shut his eyes for a moment again, before muttering a quiet "No..."

-Then Sardegna....! There's a beach that attracts many tourists there, it was called...
-Costa Smeralda!

We both shouted at the same time.

-Yes, it was Costa Smeralda, I'm sure of it.
-Then we know our destination. Quick! Let's get to the airport! Planes to Sardegna leave every few hours! We have to make it before Bucciarati's team does!

And just like that, we rushed to the airport, praying to make it in time and in one piece.


Bet you weren't expecting me to be back just like that ;)

Yeah "Summer BREAK" they said. I'll "write a lot" they said. Welp, I did write a little just not this story I'm sorry😓 I'm starting to finally balance out school-hobby life decently, so yeah, I'll try my best to pick up a decent posting rhythm again. It's just that I started posting this during online school, and now we have face-to-face classes again, so yeah, I gotta a balance it out somehow :'D

Have an amazing day arrivederci!

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