Chapter 23 - Allies

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I and Risotto basked in each other's warmth for a while. A pleasant while. I only wish it would've lasted forever... But after dozing off for maybe ten minutes, I woke up again. Risotto was slightly sat up, but still hugging me close to himself. His eyes were closed, but once he felt me moving he opened them.

-Are you feeling alright?

He asked me while I also sat up.

-Yes...Are you feeling better?

-Yes, thanks to your stand, Y/N.

I smiled slightly upon hearing that.

-I'm glad I could help...

I whispered and leaned into his embrace again.

-Do you know where we are?

He asked me.

-I don't know...I just know Bucciarati's team is here. I guess they're the ones who brought us here...Should we go talk to them?

-We should. Our job is not done yet...
He sighed quietly. I guess he could also use a break... I wish this whole chase could just end. We were so close to getting him. Yet we didn't. So this torturous cat-and-mouse game must go on. When will this end...

We finally got up from the bed and together we left the room. Judging by the decor and layout, this place looked like a summer villa. Maybe we haven't gotten too far from Costa Smeralda. We made our way down the stairs and were greeted by the sight of two members of Bucciarati's group getting ready to leave. 

-Bucciarati, those two are awake! 

Narancia immediately noticed us and called for his capo, except I didn't see him anywhere around us.

-Should we leave them behind?

-Mista wait! We're searching for the Boss too! 

I stopped the gunman before he would get any farther away from us. 

-It's fine Mista, let them in. We can defend ourselves if need to be

I heard Bucciarati's voice, but I didn't know where it was coming from and was very confused by the fact it sounded so close.

-Fine, quick! Get in the turtle!


I got even more confused than before by Mista's instructions.

-See the key on this turtle's back? Just touch it and you'll see!

He urged us, showing us the little animal. Although reluctantly, I did as he said, and suddenly I found myself in another room. Risotto was right behind me, I looked around and saw Bucciarati, Abbacchio, the new kid Giorno and who I assume to be the Boss' daughter sitting on a sofa, the ceiling looked like glass and I could see Narancia and Mista above us.

-This is what I meant, you're inside the key's stone on the turtle's back!

-What kind of sorcery...

I commented, still extremely disoriented.

-I've never seen a Stand with such power... 

Risotto said behind me, also scanning his surroundings. I peeked at his face, for a second he looked like a wide-eyed child seeing the world for the first time, I had to smile slightly at that.

-We didn't either until we found it. So, we already know you, Ravioli, but who are you? And what are you after?

Bruno asked Risotto.

-The name's Risotto Nero, leader of La Squadra Esecuzioni. We're looking for the Boss.

-We betrayed Passione a few days ago, and we've been hiding ever since

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