Chapter 20 - you.

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Y/N's body was becoming cold quickly.Blood was staining her clothes, dripping down onto the road and my arms. Drops of hot sweat were melting on her evermore cold skin, as her heavy breathing was getting more and more shallow, being able to take in less and less oxygen. She was unconscious, her eyes shut close, and yet, a small tear was trembling on her cheek. I never expected this to happen. How could it happen? Now Y/N is the one paying the consequences of my carelessness, how could I be so unprepared? If only I hadn't let my guard down at that moment, maybe we could've taken him down after the first shot, perhaps even before that, he was an amateur that only got this far because we hadn't been cautious enough. I picked up Y/N and immediately went looking for a place to stay. I could hear how her heartbeat began to slow down. Just hold on a little longer...

I broke into a vacation home, which was of course not being used at this time of the year, and set her down on a bed. There was a first aid kit in the bathroom so I immediately went to bandage her wound. It was so deep that the blood had managed to soak the first layer of cloth almost instantly, so I wrapped the bandage around her waist multiple times. I felt so powerless. An ability like mine can only be used to hide and kill, while she had managed to save my teammates' lives so many times with her gift, her Stand is kind. Her soul is kind. And yet she was paired to work with an assassin like me. She didn't deserve it. Her tough-gangster facade doesn't matter, she's still a good-hearted child behind it.

I stayed by her side as her body slowly regained heat and her breath stabilized. I thought the worst had passed and that she had finally managed to fall into a more peaceful sleep, but after being steadily regular for around twenty minutes, her breath quickened, and she jumped awake. She was sweating and trembling again, I caught her to keep her from moving too much now that the wound had finally stopped bleeding. She just looked terrified by something.

-L-Let me go!

-Calm down, Y/N. You're injured but safe, it'll be okay...

-...My saw it, right...?

She began tearing up, her voice sounded so defeated, so lost.

-...I did.

She began crying.

-My dad was a nice person, my mom was a nice person, why did it have to happen?? Why did I have to survive!?

She just couldn't stop sobbing. I tried holding her to calm her but it couldn't be helped. She was in despair.

-I loved my parents, they were good people, and I loved my brother too, he was always playing with me, we were always playing, we were such a happy family, we always ate dinner together and went to the playground...We were happy!

I tried looking into her eyes but...she wasn't here.

-We always got ice cream...But then, then... that night... that night... me and my brother wanted to play outside before dinner... we begged mom and dad to let us outside... just a little longer... but then... then...!

She began shaking like a leaf and sobbing even harder. She was narrating the events as she was reliving them through her memories. I wanted to talk to her...but she couldn't hear me. She wasn't with me. During those quick minutes, she was in the past. She wasn't sobbing in my arms, she was seeing the most gruesome moments of her life.

-A bunch of men jumped out of the shadow... I was on the ground now... my-my dad... my mom... they're bleeding! They're not moving! My brother is on the ground too! And...and... everything is...r-red...

The terror on her face was so painful to see. I wanted to help her so badly, but I just didn't know how when she wasn't even in the same place as me, I had never felt so helpless.

-One of the men had glowing green eyes...and he...he stabbed m-me...28 times... he stabbed me! Why did I survive!? All the kids at school were disgusted by my scars, they were scary...and I was alone...that's why I was taught to hide them, I learned to hide them...because if anyone saw them they would know...and now that you saw them, I have no reason to keep living!

She suddenly reached her arm out and snatched a knife out of my pocket, before she could stab herself I managed to grab her wrists just in time.

-Y/N!Y/N! Calm down! Come back!

I got the knife out of her hand and threw it across the room. My heart ached hearing her cries getting even more desperate, she was panting and screaming, her breath becoming way too quick. She wasn't back at all.

I opened the terrace's window and brought her outside, hoping the open space would help her panic. She didn't even protest, she was just weak, the desperation stronger than herself. Even outside under the night sky, she just kept crying, weeping, screaming. She was the most broken person in the world, she was still grieving the childhood and life that were so brutally ripped away from her. And for order of who? The Boss.

After an hour of being outside holding Y/N through her tears, her sobs were starting to get quieter and her breaths stabilized, yet we both stayed silent. We stayed silent for long after she managed to somewhat calm down. Because that's what she needed, what I needed. Holding her, protecting her, without words needing to be spoken, this is what felt right. This was what I wanted to do. But it didn't matter what I wanted, because I wasn't honest, and she deserved to know the truth about me, especially after trusting me so deeply for so long...

-Truth be told, I've already betrayed you...

I finally broke our silence. She didn't react, she just stayed completely still.

-The Boss contacted me a few years ago... he told me to look out for a girl...that matched your description... if I got suspicious of someone that looked like that I could kill her without getting in trouble... but I found no one, and eventually I forgot about it...but then I got contacted again and told me that he got in touch with Grigio because he knew that he would send you... he got suspicious of you... he told me to check your back...for 28 stab wounds scars...

She didn't say a word, didn't even move. The only thing filling the air once again was silence. But then, I finally heard her voice again.

-...why didn't you kill me then?

Her voice still sounded strained and weak from all the screaming and crying, but at least, it was calm.

-Because even from the Boss's story, you were just an innocent bystander. That bastard wanted you dead just because of your surname...and I...

I had to pause for a moment because what I was about to say was the last thing I wanted to happen, it was bad just thinking about it.

-...I just can't kill you, I could never...

She didn't say a word and just kept quiet, the wind and the nearby waves of the sea being the only sound we could hear.

-Sigh...I understand if you're upset and you want to leave, I won't stop you if-

-I forgive you.

I was shocked by her words, forgiving me after what I told her? Why would she...?

-You had the job to kill me, yet you've protected me for so long...even after seeing my scars, you didn't leave and you've helped me...I don't wanna go, I don't want to leave you...

Her voice got softer at the end of the sentence. She was falling asleep. She was so exhausted. I carried her back inside and placed her on the bed, she was sleeping soundly in a matter of minutes. As I swept a stray hair strand from her face behind her ear, seeing how peacefully she had fallen asleep in my arms, a small tear formed in my eye.

I don't deserve someone like you.


A whole chapter for Risotto, this was certainly an adventure to write ;)

Hope you liked it and have a good day/night you awesome people!

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