Chapter 10 - Expressions

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It was deep in the night, everything was dark, and clouds were covering the little moonlight. I had finally made it back to the hideout. I spent over an hour contemplating if I should break my promise and get drunk one last time. In the end, I decided to not give in to my whim, since it would have been a decision made impulsively, and I never act impulsively.
But with all the things that happened today, from my arrival this morning, to tonight's mission, to me using my power so much, ending up injured, and my new leader not really liking me, I was so tired that by the time I actually made it back to the hideout, I was so exhausted that I might've as well been drunk.
I stepped inside the building quietly, I didn't see anybody to be awake, some members have probably gone home.

The whole house was so still, so silent.
I was so tired. Tired of the day, tired of my Stand, tired of the situations I always manage to get myself in. Tired of everything.

I kneeled down on the side of the hallway and leaned against the wall. I wasn't given a room, so the wall was my best option. I have slept in way worse places, and when a person is really tired, even a rocky road is a comfortable bed. Soon I began falling in and out of sleep, but I couldn't fall completely asleep yet. As if I already knew what was going to happen, just barely five minutes later I felt a hand reach for my shoulder, more specifically, for the collar of my coat. I grabbed the hand almost out of instinct. I know exactly who the one behind me is.

-Please. Don't.

I whispered silently, as I gently let go of the hand. It was a silent agreement between me and the person. Between me and Risotto; a silent agreement to forget everything that happened tonight, from our 'fight' two hours prior, to this short moment. Risotto walked away. I know what he was trying to do, if he was anyone else, I would have killed him. But he's not 'anyone else'. I'll forget this all, I'll pretend that it was just a dream. I ultimately closed my eyes, trying to get some rest. Soon both my brain and my body gave in to the well-wanted sleep, which they desperately desired. I'm asleep, yet... Why does it feel like I can feel like the passing of each and every second? I was buried in darkness, feeling stuck. But as if I had broken out of a spell, I opened my eyes and it was already a few hours later. It was early in the morning, but no one seemed to be awake yet. My body felt paralyzed from sleeping in the same position all night. As I tried sitting upright to wake my body, I noticed that a blanket was enveloping my figure. Who left this? I stood up and gently folded the blanket and placed it on the sofa. Could it have been Risotto? No, he seems to hate me right now... But he was the last person I saw awake last night... Maybe someone else woke up after I fell asleep, but that sounds unlikely...

I decided to stop giving so much importance to the small detail and instead decided to eat something to start the day. The sun didn't even rise yet, and the city was just starting to wake up. I rummaged through my backpack to find a packed sandwich I had bought the night prior instead of five bottles of alcohol.

As I was eating my improvised breakfast while looking out of the window in the hallway, I heard a voice behind me.

-That room is not used by anybody. You can take it.

I turned around and there stood Risotto pointing towards one of the doors.

-Oh, thanks...

I thanked him a bit surprised, he just nodded slightly and entered another room.

He came in from the front door, when did he leave? Where was he until now? Wait- why do I even care so much? It's none of my business...

I ruffled my hair in slight frustration, acknowledging my out of character thinking. I decided to do what I always do, go on a walk to clear my troubled mind. The weather was still what people would call "bad", a lot of clouds were darkening the sky and the sun that was just starting to rise over the horizon. I walked around the streets I had already walked around the day prior. I tried to forget whatever came to my mind, heck, less 24 hours ago I was still a subordinate of Grigio, and now, I probably already managed to be disliked by my whole new squad. Not that I care about being "liked", it's just not a good thing if I want to be assigned gigs that pay well in cash.
After only fifteen minutes of pacing around, my walk was cut short by small raindrops hitting my face. I felt displeased to say the least, but I pulled up my hood anyway and headed back to the hideout. Nothing good happened after yesterday's rain, I wonder if something good will happen after today's. Or maybe I'm just having a lot of troubles now so that I'll have a lot of good things happen to me at once later.

Once I opened the door to the hideout, I saw Risotto sitting on the sofa checking something on his laptop.

-The others are still asleep, but you'll have a mission later today with Illuso and Ghiaccio.

He said without even turning around to look at me.

-Understood. What is the mission about?
-I'll tell you when the others get ready. 

After a short silence, I headed to check out the room that he had pointed me to. I still can't read his expressions. This pisses me off. The most frustrating thing about this is that I can't even tell if he's disliking me or it's just him being passive, but I guess we'll see.
He didn't show any emotions in his black and scarlet eyes. His look could be interpreted in so many different ways. It could've been anger, as well as sadness, to complete nothing. I have to find a way to decipher his enigmatic expressions.


Ugh, I'm so mad, I wanted to publish a longer chapter since I made y'all wait more than 10 days :(
but I have about 3/4 other chapters that are basically ready, I just need to write so chapters in between to tie the events together and they'll be good to go~ Sorry for the long wait, don't worry you'll get more chapters soon ;)

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