Chapter 19 - cold.

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We landed in Sardegna. We weren't anywhere near Costa Smeralda though. We were in Cagliari, the region's main city. Since we assumed that Bucciarati's team would only come around in only a few hours, given the fact that they were most likely chased by 20 men at least per order of the Boss, Risotto suggested we try looking through the files of the crimes committed on the island throughout the years. Anything to find some extra evidence. We had some time so we decided to proceed with the idea.

After following a guard or two while invisible we got in the archive pretty easily. We started looking through the files concerning the towns around Costa Smeralda, since nothing ever happens in Sardegna there weren't too many files to go through. Imagine having to go through the police reports of Napoli? My goodness, that would take days without taking breaks.

After looking through so. Damn. Many. Reports. All about petty crimes like small shops' robberies, domestic overheated arguments and missing pets, I finally found something remotely useful.

-Risotto, come here for a moment...

He looked up from the files he was examining and walked over.

-Found something?
-I'm not sure, take a look...

I handed him the file. It was a report about a fire that involved a small town, ironically, not too far from Costa Smeralda. There was a report from one detective who suspected an arson crime, but in the end, further investigation seems to not have been conducted and the case was archived as an accident.

-Such a big fire and no investigations... Sounds suspicious

I commented.

-The fact that it was such a big fire and only two people died is suspicious.

He looked at the page with the victims' names.

-Look, it's stained.

He showed me the paper.

-It looks like excess ink staining that sometimes happens with certain printers...

I observed the black spot.

-And it coincidentally had to happen on this report, and coincidentally no one noticed.

Risotto was getting suspicious too.

-This man that died was a priest, and the other his adopted son, but there isn't any information about this man here...
-Wait, don't tell me that that man was the Boss!
-It may very well be, erasing his traces by faking his dead before founding Passione.
-And killing his adoptive father in the process... Sounds as cold-hearted as he is.

So the Boss has always been this way, this cruel.

-Let's search this town then.

He broke the silence that we had formed without noticing.

-Good idea, let's go.
-Good job finding that file, Y/N.

I blushed slightly and got a little confused, I wasn't expecting a compliment.

-...I'm glad I was useful.

I managed to say and then we got going.


The sun was about to set completely. Reaching the place took a while. We hopped on a bus or two and got there in around an hour and a half. The town was small, not many people were around. We tried looking around the house where the priest lived and asked some locals about him. I just had to pretend to be the guy's "cousin" or "a very distant relative" for the old ladies to tell me the two's whole life story, while Risotto prefered to stay behind me listening as invisible.

-...The priest was such a good man! He took in the little boy immediately when they asked him!... The boy grew to be a really shy and quiet man, but he was a really good kid...

-We heard this 3 times already...

Risotto whispered behind me. I squeezed his hand to signal to wait a moment.

-And what did the boy look like?

I asked the old neighbourhood lady trying to sound as calm and normal as I could.

-The boy did have some good looks! Although he had a peculiar hair colour, it was very pinkish. And he had really pretty green eyes! They always looked as if they were glowing.

I tried keeping my expression unchanged but it was hard.

I kept the conversation going for another minute but then wrapped up the talk the second I had the opportunity. I walked away to leave the town gripping Risotto's hand.

-Y/N, what's happening?

He asked me.

-That's him. That was the Boss.

I simply said, walking forward to the main street.

-How do you know that...?

He asked me, but before I could even say anything, a bullet flew over my shoulder.

-Found you!

I heard a man's voice from somewhere near.

I instinctively ran behind a building and activated my ability, but the man came out from behind the shadows, pointing his gun at me as if he could see me.

-No point in running, traitor. Time to pay for your sin.

He fired a shot and I threw a couple of knives at him. The bullet pierced my shoulder and only one of my knives managed to barely scratch him. Blood started giving away my position. I need to run! This was too unexpected! I need time to think!

He probably has an ability that bypasses my own, I'm losing blood, I'm still tired, this is all too much! I tried disappearing between the houses, I turned a corner and found myself in Risotto's arms. He caught me and kept me still by hugging me as he explained.

-My ability only works in a 10-meter radius. You run as quickly as you can, and heal yourself, get as far away as possible. I'll deal with this one.

I let down my ability and saw that I was still invisible.

- T-thank you...

I managed to mutter as I was pressed to his shoulder. Risotto let me go and just as he said, I ran. I ran as fast as possible. I tried somewhat healing my wound. But I didn't get far. I didn't get far at all. I heard the man's distorted voice again behind me. I tried glancing at him, but all I saw was a monster with sharp claws. A Stand.

I sprinted forward to miss its attack. But it didn't work. Its claws dug deep into the material of my coat. It ripped its back off, my shirt going with it too. I fell to my knees. The cold evening air hit my back. My back was visible.

Risotto's POV

I heard a scream. Y/N's voice. The guy who attacked us was keeping his distance, he knew about Metallica's range. When he heard the scream he smirked and ran away to where it came from. That bastard.
I immediately got there too, and I saw her. She was kneeling on the ground trembling, her eyes looking completely lost. Her coat and shirt were torn, completely exposing her back. And it was full of scars. They were old, but just so many. Too many.

The Stand approached her, I rushed to intervene, but I was one second too late. It sliced through her side, the sudden attack made her lose consciousness. I was able to catch her before she hit the ground. Before the man got out of my range again I finished him off immediately.

Y/N's body was becoming cold quickly.


Things are happening 👀

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