Chapter 7 - There you are

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Risotto later gave me all the details of my mission. The job is simple: find the target, follow him, wait until he arrives in the place where he's going to meet up with the second target, kill the first target, then torture the second target until he reveals where he hid the documents containing some classified information, then kill him. Easy. No more acting irrationally today.

I went to the place where the target was supposed to hang out. I pulled up my hood and hid in the shadow. After less than 10 minutes the target left a bar nearby. I began following him while still hiding in the shadows. I noticed that he was quite young, probably not over 26 years of age. I'm sad about having to cut his life short, but a job is a job, and it must be done. He's also a betrayer of Passione, he should be expecting death.
I followed him until he stopped in a pretty isolated area near the sea. As he pulled out a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, I decided to make my move. I silently snuck up to him and hit him in the back of the head with my gun. Not hard enough to kill him, of course, but I decided to keep him alive just in case it turns out that the other guy is just clueless and this is the one with the information. I hid him behind some rocks waited for the other man to arrive. He did not long after that. The moment he got distracted for a second, I tried attacking him like I did the first one, but he got sharp senses and dodged my attack. I immediately jumped back away from him. He was about to call out his stand, but I was one second quicker and threw a bunch of knives at him. He dodged them too, not realizing that that was exactly my plan, while he was busy jumping around protecting himself, I got closer and threw another few knives in his direction, injuring him badly. He was losing a lot of blood, and could barely move because of the pain. Time to begin the interrogation.

-Where did you hide the documents?
-W-Who are you?? I don't know what you're talking about!!

I cut deeply into his shoulder, and he screamed in pain.

-Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about. Every time you don't answer my question, I will cut you. If I were in your shoes, I would answer immediately.

After almost ten minutes, about 25 cuts, and him about to pass out from the blood loss, he finally spoke.

-The documents... they're hidden in my hotel room... inside the mirror frame... the other half of documents were hidden by Scala...

That's the name of the first target. See, I knew I did well to be cautious by not killing him immediately!

-Thanks for collaboration.

I punched him in the face and made him pass out. He's going to bleed out soon enough anyway.
I went back to where I had hidden the body of the other target. I woke him up and started torturing him as well. He was a lot easier than the other one, he gave me all the information I needed after only five minutes. I cut him up a bit more and beat him unconscious just like the first one. Once I was done and thinking about what to do next, I noticed something. Something was really off. I'm not the only one here.
I have a feeling. Could a stand user that can make themselves invisible be here?
I use Bright Shadow's invisibility powers all the times, and I have a feeling someone is using similar powers around here, too.
I used my Stand's ability to amplify my senses, I started feeling a little dizzy, but it's bearable. I looked behind me and stared in that direction for a while. I saw it. There was something extremely off in that direction. Nobody would notice it, even I couldn't really tell what was there, but something was there. I turned around and picked up one of my knives. I waited a few seconds and then launched it in the suspicious direction. It hit the ground, but I saw some drops of crimson blood appear in mid-air.

There you are.

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