Chapter 8 - Them

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There you are.

It's confirmed. I'm not alone. There's someone there. I started rushing towards my new target, pulling out my other knife.

-Bright Shadow!!!

I called out my Stand and made myself invisible. They can't have the luxury of knowing exactly where I am while I'm here guessing their position. I was able to cut more into the person, but I was stopped immediately by a razor blade- no, multiple razor blades cutting through my cheek from the inside. My Stand's power disappeared because of the sudden pain, I tripped on my feet and fell to the ground.

-Hey! Calm the fuck down! It's only me!

This voice, no, it can't be. I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. Looking down at me was... My new leader.

-Of course I am!

He sounded really angry. Oh no. I'm trouble.

-I didn't know you were a Stand user, but I should've expected it–

He was holding onto his right hand tightly. There was a very deep cut on his wrist and another less deep cut on his shoulder. Oh no, I was the one to cause those.

-Wait! I can fix those!

I stood up quickly and called out my Stand and used its healing ability on Risotto's wrist.

-...What the hell are you doing?
-It's one of my Stand's abilities...

I said while also healing the cut on his shoulder.

-How many things can your Stand even do?
-Not many, actually... And the things it can do have many downsides to them.
-Like what?

I finished healing his wounds, but the second I stopped, all the dizziness and tiredness from overusing my abilities hit me all at once and I stepped a bit backwards trying to keep my balance.

-What's the matter?
-This...This is one of the downsides. Using my Stand too much tires me out.

I explained regaining my stability.

-Um... Sorry... About... That.

He mumbled under his breath while pointing at my cheek, which was still gushing out blood.

-It's nothing... I can heal this.

I said and healed my own wound. I lost my balance again and felt even worse, healing my own wounds is a lot more tiring. I stumbled backwards again, but Risotto caught my hood and set me upright.

-You're going to fall in the sea.
-I'm okay, n-no need for help... B-but t-thanks...

I basically whispered the last part of my sentence.

-But what's up with your Stand's ability??
-Why should I tell you?
-Because I told you about my own ability and you also saw my weakness. Now it's your turn.
-Sigh... Why don't you figure it out yourself?
-... I can only guess it has something to do with iron, given the fact that you attacked me with razor blades.
-Close enough. My ability is magnetism. I can manipulate iron freely.
-Oh, so you use the iron in your targets' blood to create sharp objects inside their own bodies?

He doesn't have a Stand made for combat, yet it has such a scary and lethal ability.

-What about becoming invisible?
-I cover myself with little iron particles in the air, by reflecting light I blend into my surroundings.

He's smart. I don't think anyone else would think about doing something like that.

-How could you tell someone else was here?
-I don't know. I just felt another presence. I guess by having the ability to turn invisible I'm more aware of the fact that others can do the same.

I really don't know how I could tell that Risotto was here with me, even tho he was invisible, I just felt that someone was watching me, it's one of those things that can't be explained by logic.

-But why were you here in the first place?
-I wanted to have an idea of your abilities. What are you going to do about those?

He asked referring to the two unconscious men.

-I'll hide their bodies somewhere. Nobody comes around here, except the occasional cars that pass by. Their faces are unrecognizable now, and if their gang mates find them, they'll take it as a warning to not even think about betraying the organization.

I said while pinning a paper with the word 'Meritato' (Deserved) on the shirt of the second target.

I hid the bodies and began walking away.

-Where are you going now?
-To retrieve the documents they hid?
-The boss will take care of that. Your job was only to interrogate them and kill them. Your job is finished.
-Oh, alright.

I began walking in the direction I came from, but once again I was stopped by Risotto.

-What missions did you complete two years ago?
-Huh? Why should I tell you?
-Just answer the damn question.

He sounded threatening again. What's going on?

-...hmm, two years ago... I mostly got stalking and interrogation missions. I wasn't very active that year... I think I got around 10 assassination missions total.
-Did you kill any betrayers of Passione?

He grabbed the collar of my hood and looked deep into my eyes. What's the matter with him??

-...yes, I killed 3 betrayers.
-Who were they?
-If I remember correctly...All three of them were trying to uncover the Boss's identity...
-Who were they??

He tightened the grip on my hood.

-The names... Those were...Claudio Oliva, Lu- no, Lorenzo Cono and... Matteo Frutta, if I remember correctly. They were all on the drug specialized team.
-Don't the names Gelato and Sorbet ring a bell???

His grip tightened. There was so much anger in his voice, yet it sounded like he was trying to hide it.

-No... I've never heard those names. Not even close...

He tightened his grip a little more, his knuckles became completely white, before letting go. He turned away from me and started speaking in a less venomous voice.

-Forget it. Just go back.

I turned away and began walking away. What was that? He doesn't trust me at all now? What is going...

Wait. Two years ago... targets killed because of their betrayal... Betrayal... Two targets... Gelato and Sorbet...

"Two years ago two members of La Squadra died. "

What Nicolo told me that night came back to my mind.

"They have been doing okay workwise despite their loss, but the Boss thinks they could use some help..."

No. It can't be... Gelato and Sorbet are...


I turned around calling out to him, but he was already gone, or invisible, although the second option was very unlikely. I waited a few seconds and then decided to go away as he said.

The two dead members I'm making up for... They are Gelato and Sorbet... They did not die in any way... They were killed because of their betrayal.

And I could've been the one to kill them.

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