Chapter 15 - Normality

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After our encounter with that spy, we finally managed to get on a train. We were on a completely empty wagon, there weren't many people travelling this late in the night, especially such a long trip. Our train would have a few stops, but we would still make it to Venezia by the early morning.
We sat next to each other, we were exchanging messages with Grigio. He can't be considered a betrayer if he's just casually passing information to a fellow leader of a Passione specialized group, especially if he doesn't technically know that the same very trustworthy fellow leader of a Passione specialized group had betrayed the organization that same morning alongside his whole team and a member who technically wasn't even part of his team to begin with. Risotto was the one with the laptop, I was reading every message they were exchanging, sometimes writing something myself. After a while, I started losing focus, my eyes were not paying attention to the texts anymore and every sound around me began to feel distant. I have used my Stand ability so much today, and I still hadn't rested up properly...

Third-person POV

It had been a while since the two got on the train, almost twenty minutes. Risotto was still exchanging and confirming information with Grigio.  He was about to answer the last text he received when he felt something heavy pulling on his coat.

He looked over and saw that Y/N had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He was surprised, he didn't expect her to fall asleep in a situation like this. But then he remembered. "How much did she even use her Stand today?" He thought. Y/N healed Formaggio and Illuso, rescued Prosciutto and Pesci, killed that spy as well as healing Risotto himself. "Who am I to keep her from resting?" He thought to himself and kept messaging as if nothing had happened.



I woke up at the feeling of the train stopping. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. I looked around and didn't see Risotto anywhere. Did he turn invisible again? I stood up and finally noticed Risotto beside the train's door and I went over to him.

-Are we already in Venezia?

I asked quietly.

-No. We're in Firenze. There's someone I need to see here.

I nodded and we got off the train. Why didn't he wake me up?  He doesn't seem like the type who lets his subordinates slack off...

I followed Risotto and we arrived at a small but fancy-looking house.  

-What do you need to do exactly?
-At the station I found ashes of a photograph. This guy can recreate what was on the photo, it might give us some leads. I'll deal with this, you stay around in case he contacts one of his buddies. 
-Got it. 

We broke into the house and Risotto went in ahead. I checked out our surroundings and saw no one suspicious. Outside the air was still very cold, it would take another few hours until dawn. I went into the house and looked around all the rooms, nothing seemed out of place. The last place to check was the room Risotto was in. But with someone like him in there, I don't think anyone would have the guts to call for help. The door was left half-open, enough so I could get a good look inside. There were a few desks and computers in the room, as well as some recently killed men's corpses at the side of the room. One single man was doing some work on one of the computers while Risotto watched every single one of his moves carefully.

-How much longer are you going to make me wait? Hurry up. You should have no problem restoring this.
-Risotto do you really think you can get away with betraying Passione?

The man was clearly trembling while talking.

-We're a bit short on time.

Risotto said and formed some iron nails on the man's hand with his ability.

-Next will be your left eye. As long as you have your right hand and right eye, you can still work.

He stated in a tone so calm, it could make anyone shiver in that situation.

-You should know better than anyone... Anyone who betrays the Boss will be erased!

I froze in place even though I wasn't even moving. I knew it too well, the end that every betrayer meets. And Risotto also knew it too well.
The man screamed again, and his eye was gone, while Risotto's face got covered with blood.

I stepped back slowly and went to the front door, and I just stood there. I tried so hard to empty my head, the mess of my thoughts was far from untangling. I wanted this situation to be different, but I knew that that couldn't be possible. I waited for minutes until Risotto finally came back.

-I'm done here. Let's go.

He opened the door and went ahead. The cool of the night washed over me, suddenly clearing a good amount of the thoughts inside my head.

Something deep inside of me, deep inside of my soul, made me say something. Something. A word I haven't pronounced since I was a child. Something I had almost completely forgotten.


He looked at me over his shoulder.

-L/N. That's... My last name.
-... Does Grigio know about it?
-Then why are you telling me?

His tone sounded genuinely confused.

-No reason. Just felt like it. Come on, let's go...

But truly... there was a reason. Risotto was always so calm and calculated. Still, he always acted in his own way. He never trembled before any assignment given to him. As if the Boss wasn't even relevant. With him it was as if the Boss never existed, it was like living what normality could be like without him. But hardly anyone is like Risotto. That man reminded me, that we're not yet in that normality. No matter how much I want it, we're still in a position to fear the Boss. If the Boss wants it, we could both disappear tomorrow.

But I refuse. I refuse to leave this world without giving my all for that "normality". A normality where revealing my name isn't a threat to my life. I refuse to be completely forgotten. And I refuse to leave this world silently, without leaving a trace and let the Boss win.

So for the time being, I entrust my last name to you, Risotto.


Alright here's a new chapter!
I hope you liked it, it took a while to write because of a little writer's block haha ^^'

Have a nicer day/night!

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