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chapter 7

chapter 7 _________

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it been a day or two since you got sick at training camp. you've been in your bed half the time as your dad would make you soup and check your temperature. it was only a bad cold so thought you'd be back at school next week. although you felt weak you'd still try and call you friends and let them know how you're doing but not as much as you'd want too.

it's now around 9 am on a tuesday. you're dad is about to leave for work so you should get up and wish him week at work like you do every morning. you slowly brought yourself up into a sitting position as you heard two knocks on your door.

"come in." you softly announced to who you thought was your father behind the door. the door slowly opened revealing a brown haired boy with fox eyes. "rin?"

"hey y/n." he gave you a small smile. you then saw your dad come up behind him.

"i'll be back later tonight y/n! love you!" your father told you. as you kept your confused look you below a kiss to him which was also his sign to head to work.

"rin why are you here?" you asked the boy standing in your room

"because you're sick of course. and you look like shit anyways." he let out a small laugh. you rolled your eyes and tried to stand up. "hey sit down- what do you need?" rintarou asked you as he gripped your shoulder and gently pushed you back down.

"i was gonna get something to eat. it's fine i can do that on my own." you stated as you brought yourself up. "come on. your cooking is probably shit anyway." you smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him out of your room with you. you brought him downstairs to you kitchen. as sat down on your counter you took out the stuff to make your oatmeal.  "want any?" you asked him without making eye contact

"no thanks. i ate before i came here."

"how did you get here?"

"well i asked akaashi for your address which he was hesitant about giving me." you smiled knowing that your friends wouldn't give out personal info you trust with them.

"and what about school?" you asked

"oh kita let me come. atsumu wanted to come to but kita knew that wasn't a good idea."

"i'll thank him later for that." you put your food in the microwave.

"so what do you want to do?"

"eat and sleep."

"oh how about you show me that gut air you play." rin smiled in excitement. you looked at his happy expression and couldn't help but give in.

"fine but you owe me ice cream later."

"deal." once you finished making your food, the two of you went back up to your room. you sat back on your comfy bed and rin sat on your gaming chair next to your desk. as you ate, rintarou put on pretty boy by the neighbourhood. it was relaxing and set the calming mood. once rin realized you were done with your food he looked around your room for your guitar. "it's next to my closet" you informed him. he looked in the direction of your closet and grabbed the guitar before giving it to you. "what song do you want to hear?"

"hm how about after dark by mr.kitty?"

"one of my favorite songs." you smiled at him. you felt your cheeks get hot as he gave you that look of excitement again. you didn't even realize you were sick at the moment because of how he makes you feel. you snapped out of your thoughts and brought your attention back to the song you were about to play. as you play after dark, rintarou sang a bit of the lyrics and doing in the chair slowly making you giggle. once you finished the song you plopped back on your bed.

"i'm sorry did i push you too hard? i should've made you rest." rin apologized as he put you instrument away for you.

"no no it's fine. i'm just a bit tired now."

"then get some sleep."

"i have a guest here."

"i'm literally here to help with your shitty cold right now. rest." he said as he touched the back of his hand to your head. you felt your checks burn up again as he began to rub his hand down the side of your face. "you're a bit warm." you smacked his hand away and pouted

"shut up i'll sleep." you laid on your pillow and watched rin smile at you "what are you gonna do?"

"lay with you?" he asked. you immediately smiled and moved over a bit before patting the empty spot of your bed.

"of course love."

"weirdo." he ruffled your hair before laying down next to you. he wrapped his arms around you waist and placed your head on top of his chest. he kept his long hand on your forehead as he held you close. you snuggled into his warmth and comfort.

"wait aren't you gonna catch my cold?"

"so?" you laughed a bit before slowly closing your eyes and drifting to sleep.


you slowly woke up to the same feeling of warmth. you looked up and saw rin passed out cutely. you blushed bright pink. you then felt your phone ring which gave you the idea to take a picture of the two of you. you slowly moved your arm that was tangled with rin's and took your phone. you felt him move a bit so you froze. once he settled down you pulled out ur camera and made sure your flash was off before taking a pic. you looked at the picture for a few seconds and lightly smiled at how cute the two of you were. you wish you could tell him how you feel but you were afraid of rejection and how awkward your friendship would be if he didn't return the feelings back. you put you phone back up to take a second one which you took quickly just in case. as you looked at the second picture you realized something different. you looked closely and saw rin sticking his younger out. you pushed him away fast and heard him start laughing.

"WHAT THE HELL! you were awake this whole time?!"

"maybe." he laughed again. you sighed and then looked back down at the happy bit and smiled.

"thanks for coming over today."

"how could i not come see my shitty looking love." he teased. your eyes widen by his choice of words but then punched him in the shoulder to distract him from your facial expressions.

"shut up." you looked at the clock and saw it was 12:45. "we were sleeping for a bit." you yawned.

"mhm. hungry?"

"ice cream?" he nodded and you cheered as he helped you out of bed to get ready to go and get your f/f ice cream ice cream...
f/f=favorite flavor

i'm not to sure if that was short or not but thank you for 360 reads<3

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