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chapter 21

chapter 21______________________

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"stop i'm not into him. AND we just met calm down." i tell my three american friends

"but he is so pretty too! i could totally see you guys together" ally cheers as she pulled on my arm. she isn't lying but i'm not really looking to date him.

"did you not hear me the first time? i said no." i snapped pulling my arm back.

"fine but at least let us meet him before we go back home." they begged with stupid puppy eyes

"fine i'll see what i can do." i sighed and pulled out my phone.

today is the last day we are here before we leave tomorrow. we got to see everyone a lot so i think this was a good trip. i just have to make it the rest of the year and keep my grades up in order to come back for collage.

seeing everyone was fun although it may have been awkward at times. no one has really changed either. they are just the way i left them

i pulled out my phone and contacted sakusa who actually responded in less then 5 mins. he agreed to hangout later at the arcade not to far from our hotel so it would be a bit of a drive. he also agreed to bring atsumu

"okay looks like you guys can meet him." i told the group as i through my phone on the couch.

"REALLY?" jasmine asked in excitement and i nodded my head in response. the three of them began to jump up and down like a bunch of children.

we all got ready in a matter of minutes. i put on a nice outfit and did my hair like usual.
(u can wear whatever u want)

"are they here yet?" ally kept asking

"no doesn't look like it. just give them a few more minutes." i tell her as we walk over to get coins for the games. we only got a few for now since we didn't want to spend all of our money if we don't play lots of later on.

"Y/NN!" i heard a familiar voice call my name from behind me. i look back and see atsumu running my way as another figure walks over with his hands in his pockets. it seemed to be sakusa

"ATSUMU!" i yelled and jump into my friends arms who swing me around in a circle.

"i missed you y/n" atsumu sighed as he put me down.

"i literally saw you three days ago" i laughed at him.

"i know i know but still" he smiled

"you two seem to know each other very well" sakusa laughed as he finally made it over

"well me and y/n are like siblings almost." atsumu bragged as he pulled me closer to him. sakusa nodded at atsumu's statement and then locked eyes with me. he can be a bit intimidating at times

"you guys couldn't have waited for us?" another voice said from behind sakusa. i didn't know they were bringing anybody else.

"you were taking to long" atsumu yelled back. then two other figures came from behind sakusa which seemed to be osamu and suna.

suna immediately looked at me almost like he was a bit confused on why i was here.

"oh hey y/n." osamu waved to me

"hey guys" i smiled. i then realized my three other friends are probably waiting for me to introduce them to sakusa.

"oh guys come here." i wave them over so they would actually be involved with our conversations.

"sakusa do you speak english?"

"i do actually. i learned when i was younger." he tells me. i look at my friends and give them a look so they know to introduce themselves

they seems a bit flustered over the boy standing in front of them. they looked like a bunch of idiots i was about to laugh but i had to hold it in.

"i'm ally. nice to meet you." ally shook the boys hand as well as the rest after they introduced themselves as well

"i'm sakusa. pleasure to meet you all" you couldn't really tell if he was smiling due to the mask on his face but he didn't seem to notice

"y/n is this your last day here?" suna asked me.

"yeah we leave tomorrow morning actually so we can't stay too late today." i smiled. this whole trip i probably didn't talk to suna as much as i wanted to. i wish things were less awkward between us but it is what it is.

all of us began to play some games after the other four got their coins. we played zombie games, pack man, virtual reality things, and even used the claw a few times. next was the photo booth which we all managed to fit in somehow.

it let us take three pictures so we decided to do one silly face, kissy face, and then a regular nice photo of us but the sad part was that it only let us take four copies on the photos so there was enough for everyone

"how about i take one back to america, the twins take one, suna takes one, and sakusa takes one?" i suggested

"fine with me" osamu shrugged along with suna and the other two agreed

"okay guys we get one copy to bring back with us. is that okay?" i asked me friends.

"perfect" jasmine seemed convinced with the deal as well as everyone else.

we tried a good majority of the games so there wasn't much to do.

"hey y/n, look" atsumu said to me as he pointed to a stage with a set of drums and two guitars along with a mic in front. it reminded me of my old concerts with usui and kiyoko.

"what about it?"

"maybe you can play something for everyone." it didn't seem like a bad idea but i'd rather not play by myself

"i don't like to play by myself you know" i let out an awkward laugh

"that's why you should call kiyoko and usui." he rolled his eyes. i guess there was no way out of these since the two of them actually live pretty close by.

bye this is so short but i just wanted to update for u guys<3

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