p1- chapter one

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I gathered my things and shoved them into my bag. I took one last look in the mirror before leaving for school, I let out a sigh. I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car.

I dreaded going to school, but not as much as I dreaded being home. I was lost. I was a senior in high school. I was beyond thrilled to be out of this hell hole in three months. I didn't hate school itself, I had good grades and what not. I hated having to go to school with other people. They're terrible, rude, heartless, and most importantly; skinny. As for me, I was just some low class, overweight nobody. They all had two working parents, money, expensive cars. Me? Not even close. I live alone, in a shitty one room apartment above an old abandoned pawn shop with a low paying job. My dads in prison, my mom in heaven. They weren't parent material anyway, having them around was absolute torture. I had watched my mom end her life, when I was seven. I didn't know then, but I know now. She overdosed. My dad will be in  prison until I'm twenty three, I'm currently eighteen. But that's a difficult thing to talk about.

Besides being 'bigger' I was decent looking, like that matters though.

I eat breakfast at school, because it's easier on my wallet. I don't eat my breakfast in the cafeteria though, I feel more comfortable eating in the library, same with lunch.

I was in line to grab my breakfast. Until breakfast decided to be on me.

"Oh Ryan, im so sorry. I didn't see you there. Then again, I don't know how I couldn't."

I turned to see Destiny and her bitch squad laughing. I just walked right passed them, I didn't want them having the satisfaction of trying to embarrass me. I'll just wait til lunch to eat I guess, its not like I need it anyway.

School had ended, and I had an hour before I had to clock in at Burger Hop. I figured i'd run to the store and grab some stuff for my apartment. I only needed a few things: cat food, toilet paper, milk, and shampoo. I could just run in quick, hurry home and have time to put everything in its place, and be to work on time. I thought wrong. I had gotten everything I needed, but there was no way I could get to work in time. Somebody had slashed three of my tires, and scratched "fatty" into the hood. And on top of it all, it was raining. Fucking great, not only did I have to buy new tires; which I can't afford on a burger- flipper salary, i'm going to be late for work. I sat on the hood of my car and began to cry. I wanted to give up, I wanted to break down and freak out, but I didn't want who ever had done it to have the upper hand, karma's a bitch. I sat there for what seemed like hours. Until a deep voice caught my attention.

"People are so fucked up."

I looked up and there was a tall, handsome skinny guy i've never seen before, standing in front of me.

"Do you know who did it?" he asked.

I shook my head. I had an idea, but I wasn't sure who of the bitch-crew had done it.

"Here, this rains cold" he took his jacket it off and handed it to me.

I just stared at it, "you expect me to fit in this? Can't you see, i'm fatty" I pointed to the ingravement on my hood.

He stared at me for a few seconds. Then the next thing I knew his arms were wrapped around me, trying to warm me up. I couldn't help it, I started crying harder. He finally let go. He wiped my eyes.

"Let me give you a ride, please. I'm not taking no for an answer, c'mon" he reached for my hand.

Was this part of the joke? Did Destiny and the bitch-crew put him up to this? At this point, I didn't care, I just had to get to work. I put my hand out and he grabbed it.

"Whats your name darlin'?"

"Uh, Ryan. Yours?" I scoped the parking lot for anybody from school who could be behind this.

"Ryan huh. Michael, just call me Mike though. That's my car right there." He pointed to an old Honda Accord. He didn't have an expensive car, which seemed to calm me down a bit.

 He didn't have an expensive car, which seemed to calm me down a bit

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Sorry to be short and boring, hope you like it so far x

(the picture is mikes car)

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