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Sofia stood near her window thinking about her summer. She had went through a lot. Losing her dad was one, but her mother drowning herself in work so she wouldn't grieve as much was something the blonde never expected. Grabbing her jacket, Sofia walked out of her room to get the dreadful day over with.

Bonnie smiled as she saw Sofia. "Get in."

The blonde hopped in the back as Elena sent her a small smile. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." She replies. "You?"

Elena shrugged making the blonde nod. Putting her headphones in, Sofia drowned out their conversation. She was never the one for talking, but somehow they became her friend. Which she didn't mind, but her all time favorite is Caroline. She hated how Bonnie and Elena treats Caroline.

Sofia noticed the car stopped and looked at them. "What happened?"

"A crow hit the windshield." Bonnie tells her making Sofia nod and put her headphones back in. The two sighed as they knew Sofia didn't mind much.
At school, Sofia stood by her locker as Elena and Bonnie talked. "Elena, just give him time." Sofia replies. "He's just hurting. It takes time for someone who actually loves you to move on."

Elena smiled at Sofia. The blonde may have never been in love, but the girl had good advice. The sound of Caroline made Sofia smile. She walked over and hugged her friend before she left for class. "She's meeting the one today." Caroline tells them as they left.

Bonnie had a feeling that her friend will be stubborn. "We'll see about that." Bonnie replies as her and Elena walked down the hall. "Sofia is stubborn."
Sofia walked into history with the new student. "Sofia, why are you late?"

"I was helping the new student find this class." She explains as she sat down. "Plus you have tons that skip so don't even ask about my tardiness."

Mr. Tanner nodded and went back to teaching. Sofia rolled her eyes as she started to draw on her notebook. Stefan looked at Elena than Sofia, but something told him that Sofia was special, but what could that be.
Later that day, Sofia was sitting in her living room playing the piano. Elena walked up to the blonde's door just to hear piano music. Stefan heard and knew that she was like Clayton in a way. Elena knocked on the door causing the blonde to stop playing and open the door. "Elena?"

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the grill?" Elena asked.

"Sure. Not like there is anything to do around here." Sofia replies as she grabbed her jacket and shut her door. "Let's go."

"Sofia, this is Stefan."

"Hi." Sofia replies as she walked with them. Something was telling her that Caroline would make a fool of herself tonight or tomorrow at the falls. Sofia knew she had to keep Caroline from doing just that cause she knows that is not the Caroline she knows that would get insecure about herself.
Sofia walked in and saw the look on Caroline's face and walked over to her. "Care, you will find someone, so please don't make a mistake that will hurt you even more." Sofia tells her.

.I know, but for once, I just wanted to be the first pick and not Elena."

"You are always first pick to me, Caroline." Sofia tells her. "I'm sure that someone will eventually pick you first."

"Thanks, Sofia."

"Who knows. The guy might be a thousand years old and will pick you first."

Caroline laughed as they walked over to their friends and Stefan. Tonight will be awkward.
The next day, Sofia sat in her history class listening to Tanner. He then started calling on them to give a date and year. "Miss. Harrison?"

"December 7th, 1941."

"Correct Miss.Harrison."

Sofia sighed as she looked back down at her notebook and continued her drawing.she heard Stefan sitting there showing off about the years making her a little suspicious of how he knew. I'm not that smart, but he knew everything. I wonder why.

The bell rang signaling that class has ended making Sofia stand up. "Finally." She mumbled as she walked out.


The blonde looked at her friend and smiled. "I know you didn't here me about grams telling me that I'm psychic, but I want to see if I can predict something for you."

"Of course, Bonnie." Sofie replies.

Bonnie grabbed the blonde's hand and gasped. Sofia looked at her wondering what was wrong. "What?"

"I saw a blonde." She replies. "It's silly." Bonnie said walking away making Sofia look at her weirdly before walking away.
That night, Sofia was walking around as everyone was getting drunk or those who were all over the place. The blonde found herself a spot. Looking out towards the falls, Sofia wished she had her camera. Looking at the water fall with the moonlight in the background made it look great.

In the woods, a blonde watched the blonde human look at the water. He was there to stop his brother from causing trouble, but the first look at her caught his attention. Hearing a screaming, he was gone.

Sofia stood up at the sound and wondered what that was going on. She walked back towards the others and saw them carrying Vicki off to an ambulance, but something stood out to her. The two puncture wound that was on Vicki Donavan's neck. That's no way that is an animal. She thought as she walked over to a crying Caroline. "Let's go." She said as she helped the drunk girl up and walked away with her.

"Can we go to the grill so I can sober up?"

"Sure." Sofia replies as she put the blonde in the passenger seat and drove off with Bonnie following them. All the blonde could think of was the marks on Vicki's neck.

Dedicated to MessedupMasterpiece9 SydneeCooper5 if I forgot anyone I'm sorry.

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