twenty six

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Sofia smiled as she woke up and looked to see Clayton in her bed. She snuggled closer to him as he held her tight. "Why are you awake?"

"I hear Caroline on the phone. There's going to be a barbecue." She tells him. "Damon is up to something."

"That he is." He says as he looked at her. "I would love for round two, but I think I need to see what my brother is up too. See you at Elena's?"

Sofia leaned up and kissed him. "As long as you're there." She tells him.

Clayton groaned as he watched Sofia walk to her bathroom with nothing on. Changing his mind, Clayton got out of bed and joined Sofia in the shower making her laugh. "I'll find out what Damon is up to later.' He says. "I think I want you."

Sofia kissed him as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around him. Clayton held her as they both started moaning.
Later that day, Clayton noticed how Damon was acting. He walked over to him with a wonder look. "What are you doing?"

"Setting Mason Lockwood up."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe he's a werewolf." Damon says. "Enjoy yourself."

Sofia was sipping on her drink thinking about telling Elena and Clayton about Katherine finding her on her way to the BBQ. Clayton saw the look on Sofia's face and walk over to her. "Sofia?"

"Katherine is at your house." She tells him. "She wants to prove that Stefan still loves her."

Clayton sighed as he knew this wasn't going to end well for anyone. A knock was heard causing them to look as Jenna answered the door. "Hello."

"Ambrosia Marshall?" Sofia says. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'll come and visit my best friend."

Clayton looked at them as they hugged. He smiled as he could trust this girl more than he could Elena. Sofia walked over to Clayton smiling. "Clayton meet Ambrosia Marshall." She says. "We need to talk."

"Later." He says. "It's nice to meet you Ambrosia. I'm Sofia's boyfriend..." Sofia groaned as she didn't want anyone knowing yet. "I'm Clayton Salvatore."

Ambrosia smiled as she saw Sofia's face red. "We actually need to do this somewhere else."

"Let's go."
Arriving at Sofia's old house, the trio sat on the steps. "Hayley, my sister, is a werewolf, but I'm not." She says. "Well, I am, but never triggered it."

"Do you want to trigger it?"

"No. Not now." She says. "I don't think I'm ready to go through all that pain."

"You have my word, Ambrosia, that I won't let anyone harm you and Sofia."

"You really love her?"

"I do."

Sofia looked at Clayton smiling. "Ambrosia, we need your help in finding out more about me. Apparently I have no idea what I am as we found a diary where a Sofia Harrison was alive back in 1864."

"Hmm." She says. "Do you still have that diary?"

"I'll get the copies I have at the house." Clayton says. "Text Elena and tell her about Katherine, but what ever that bitch wants, we are staying out of it."

Sofia nodded as they kissed before he left. She looked back at Ambrosia as she pulled her phone back just to see the smirk on her face. "Shut up."

Ambrosia laughed as Sofia sent the text. "Since that is out of the way, how about you show me around Mystic Falls?"

"Come on." Sofia says as the two friends linked arms as they started their walk. Catching up on anything the two has missed out on.

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