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The next day, Sofia had woken up and stretched. She yawned as she got out of her bed and walked to her closet to gather her clothes so she can get out of her house. Turning the water on, Sofia started to take her clothes off before getting in under the hot water. Sighing as the water hit her skin, Sofia felt more awake than she usually would be.

Inside her house was a figure looking for the blonde, but when they saw her picture, they left. Sofia got out of the shower and started drying off. She never once knew someone was in her house. The sound of her phone ringing caught her attention making her go answer it.
Sometime that day, Sofia had arrived at the grill to see her friends. "Hi." She replies making them smile.

"You finally got here."

"I was at home getting ready." She replies. "Plus, someone wouldn't get off the phone so I could get dressed."

"Sorry." Caroline says.

"So what have I missed?"

The girls started telling Sofia what she missed making her smile. The blonde listened to Caroline trying to make a compelling point about smut. She rolled her eyes till Elena stood up. "Caroline is right. It's time that I put myself back out there."


"Or you could just ask him to hang out with you." Sofia said. "Don't rush."

"Will you come with me?"

Sofia was in shock by how beautiful the house was. Just by the looks of it the house had history behind it. She saw Elena walking to the door. "Elena?"

"The door is opened."

"Than that means that something or someone is in there." Sofia tells her, but Elena just walked on in. "Elena?"

"Come on." She said grabbing the girl's hand.

Sofia felt uneasy about this as she walked further in. The blonde walked over towards the book shelf and ran her fingers over the books looking at it curiously. She heard a scream and turned to see a dark haired guy. "I am so sorry for us walking in. My friend is here looking for Stefan." Sofia says.

"Stefan's not here right now." Sofia turned to a new voice and saw a blonde. She nodded and looked back at the shelf. "Seems like you like history."

"Not really, but I can tell that this house and these books have history since they are old." She tells him. "I'm Sofia."

"Clayton Salvatore."

Sofia was shocked by the name  Salvatore. She heard Stefan and turned. "Sofia?"

"Where's Elena?" She asked.

"She left."

Sofia sighed as she decided to leave her self. Stefan looked at his brothers and shook his head. "Keep Sofia out of this." Stefan tells them.

"Sofia is different. She's nothing like that bitch Katherine and she doesn't resemble the woman." Clayton tells him. "And last time I checked. Your not the boss of me."

Stefan watched his brother leave and knew that Clayton made a point. He can talk to whoever he wants to. Clayton looked back at his house before running off.
The next day, Sofia was not in the mood to hear Elena complain about Stefan being on rebound. She wasn't really wanting to do nothing but be by herself. She just wants a less filled drama day.

Bonnie saw the blonde and grabbed her arm. "Hey, I was wondering if your going to watch the comet."

"I might." Bonnie smiled. "I'm going to continue my walk. Just call if you need anything,"


Sofia saw Elena and walked at her as she kept walking. Elena meant to apologize to Sofia, but Sofia seems like she would rather be left alone.

The blonde didn't see Clayton Salvatore watching her as she went to the park. He could say he was curious about the blonde. She was just an ordinary human who looks lonely. Sofia turned as she felt eyes on her, but there was no one watching her. Shrugging Sofia decided to continue her walk.
That night, Sofia kept her word about going to the comet. She didn't stay long as she was getting hungry. Walking to the grill, Sofia noticed a familiar blonde. "Clayton?"

"Hello, Sofia."

"What are you doing?" She asked him as he took a cigarette out. "Never mind."

"The question is, is what are you doing?"

"Get something to eat." She tells him. "Would you like to join?"

Clayton nodded as he followed her. Sofia didn't know why she invited him along, but it was better than sitting by yourself. Clayton tossed the cigarette and walked into the grill with Sofia making her friends watch her and the mysterious blonde. "Who is that?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know." Caroline replies. "But he looks good with Sofia."

Bonnie was confused as to what this man wanted with her friend. She was already freaked out over what she saw from touching Stefan's hand. "You know you didn't have to keep me company."

"I didn't have nothing better to do." He tells her.

Sofia nodded till she heard Jeremy say that Vicki is missing. "I guess I'll see you later." She tells him as she went to look for Matt's sister.

Clayton already knew where she was. Damon.
That night, Sofia laid in her bed asleep when her mom walked in and sighed. She has been neglecting her daughter. She wants her daughter to be happy, but how can she be with the way she has been treating her own daughter. Closing the door, she walked to her room and looked at the suitcase knowing what she was about to do. Leave without Sofia. "I'll do anything to make her happy." She mumbled as she left.

Clayton shook his head at the mother and knew she had a secret. The reason why she drowned herself in work after her husband passed, why she distanced herself from Sofia. He watched the mother leave. Clayton left to start his research on Sofia Harrison.

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