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Sofia smiled as Clayton arrived at her house. "Want to know more?" He asked as she nodded. "Hold on tight."

Sofia was confused till he quickly grabbed her and left. The blonde laughed as she held onto Clayton as they went through the woods. Clayton stopped where he wanted to explain everything to her. "Clayton?"

"It was 1864 when Katherine arrived." He tells her. "I didn't care about her as I would rather be left alone. She took it in her own hands to compel me, Stefan, and Damon." Sofia just looked at him. "She started putting her blood in whatever I drank so she can have us all together."

"She used you." Sofia replies.

"She compelled my love. I hated her from day one. She killed me first." Sofia gasped. "I woke up to see that I was in my bed when everything came back to me."

"You don't have to say anything." Sofia tells him.

"I want you to know." She nodded. "She snapped my neck because I wouldn't give in to her that night because my father gave me vervain." Clayton looked back at the blonde. "Your the only person who has actually captured my attention."

Sofia smiled as she looked at him.
Sometime that day, Sofia arrived at Elena's to try and talk to her about the brothers. "Elena?" She said as she walked in.

"Sofia." Elena sighed as she hugged her blonde friend. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, but I promise that there is nothing to be afraid of..."

"Hello Elena, Sofia." Sofia turned paled and looked at Damon. She was scared of him. Especially after learning he fed from her. "I see that Stefan and Clayton told you."

"What do you want?' Sofia asked him.

"I'm looking for my ring. Tell them that I stopped by."

Sofia watched as Damon left making her sigh in relief. Her worst nightmare was gone making her hug Elena. "I'm going to go home and sleep."

Sofia sat in her room as Caroline was asleep in her room. Sofia looked up after feeling a presence and saw Clayton. "Is Vicki.."

"She completed the transition."

"Oh." She replies. "I know Elena wants you three gone, but I think that's your choice." Clayton looked at Sofia wondering what she was thinking.

"Do you want us gone?"

"Damon yes, but you and Stefan, no." She tells him as she hugged him. "Go help Stefan with Vicki. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Clayton nodded as he kissed her head before leaving. Sofia smiled as she climbed in bed and fell asleep. Elena will change her mind soon.

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