Chapter 3

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When Tammy Sue woke up, Elvis' face looking at her with adoration was the first thing she saw.

"Where am I?" Tammy Sue said, groggily.

"Sh-h-h!" Elvis told her, holding her hand to keep her calm. "Just relax. Don't talk."

"But----", Tammy Sue tried to speak, but Elvis gently placed his finger on her lips.

"It's okay, sweetie. You're in the hospital after suffering a concussion from the mob outside the radio station." Elvis told her.

"I was about to sing a solo." Tammy Sue said, regretfully. "Now I've lost any chance of winning the contest!"

"You can sing the solo when you get out of here." Elvis promised.

The phone rang in Tammy Sue's room and Elvis answered it.


"Elvis, I'm glad you picked up." Tom Parker said. "You need to get to the station right away."

"What's wrong?"

"The radio station would like you here to do a press conference on what happened here at the radio station." Tom Parker told him.

"Okay, Tom, I'll be right there." Elvis said, as he hung up and placed the phone back in the cradle.

"Sweetheart, I gotta go for now. I have to clear up some business at the station." Elvis told Tammy Sue. "I'll be back later to see how you are doing. You get some rest while I'm gone."

Elvis gave Tammy Sue a kiss on her cheek that sent butterflies to her stomach as Elvis left her side to head to the radio station.

While Elvis was gone, Tammy pulled out her journal from her backpack that she carries around with her everywhere and began jotting down her thoughts.

"Dear Diary,

I had the most amazing day today! I got selected by Elvis Presley to sing a song for him. It was amazing! The worst part was when I got ready to sing a solo for him, the angry mob outside the radio station began throwing rocks at the window and one hit me in the head, sending me to the hospital. Elvis is such a great guy, he said that I could sing the solo for him when I get out of this hospital. Life couldn't be any better! Thanks for listening!

Then Tammy Sue put her journal away in her backpack and settled down in bed and fell asleep dreaming of Elvis.

From the Ghetto to Stardom:  An Elvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now