Chapter 5

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Elvis managed to get Tammy Sue out of the hospital and to Sun Records before the angry mob got wind of Tammy Sue's release from the hospital.

"Elvis, I'm so glad you two got here alright." Col. Parker said, gratefully.

"Lucky no one spotted us leaving." Elvis said.

"What are you two talking about?" Tammy Sue said confused.

"Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart." Elvis told her. "Now, let's hear that solo you were going to do."

Tammy Sue sang her favorite song, "Can't Help Falling In Love" as Elvis sat back and listened. He liked what he heard and loved Tammy Sue's voice.

"Bravo, Tammy Sue." Elvis said, clapping his hands as she finished her solo. "You will make a fine addition to the group."

"I got in the band!" an ecstatic Tammy Sue exclaimed.

"Yes, dear. You're in." Elvis said, hugging her and holding her tightly in his arms. The closeness made Tammy Sue feel awkward and she backed away, shyly.

"What's wrong, Tammy Sue?" Elvis asked. "Did I offend you?"

"Nothing." Tammy Sue said, timidly. "I think I need to go home now."

"I'll drive you home." Elvis said, not wanting one of the angry mob crowds to hurt Tammy Sue.

Elvis escorted Tammy Sue out the front door of Sun Records and to his Cadillac where he opened the passenger door and helped Tammy Sue in. Then he went around to the driver's side, got in, and started the ignition. Elvis didn't like chauffeurs and preferred to drive his own car.

The two of them drove in silence as neither knew what to say. Finally, Elvis pulled up in front of Tammy Sue's apartment building, a run-down slum her single mother worked three jobs just to pay the rent. Tammy Sue got out of Elvis's Cadillac before he got offended at the sight.

But Elvis spoke before she could get out, "I'll pick you up in the morning at 6:00 a.m. Sharp so we can be on the road for the tour."

"Okay, Mr. Presley, I mean, Elvis." Tammy Sue said, as she got out.

Elvis watched Tammy Sue go inside before he pulled away from the drive.

When Tammy Sue got inside, she was asked a barrage of questions by her mother and her baby sister, Kathy Sue.

"Tammy Sue, you're late." Tammy Sue declared.

"I'm sorry mother." Elvis took me home from the hospital, where I sang my solo." Tammy Sue explained.

"What happened, Tammy Sue?" Kathy Sue asked.

"I won the contest and I am one of Elvis band members." Tammy Sue said, ecstatically.

"Oh, Tammy Sue, I'm so proud of you, darling." Tammy Sue's mother said proudly.

"I leave in the morning with Elvis and his band." Tammy Sue said, sadly.

"Oh, Tammy Sue. That soon?"

"Yes, mother, I'm afraid so."

"Well, let's all have dinner and then we can retire for a good night's sleep."

"Thank you mother." Tammy Sue said, hugging her mother.

"I'm going to miss you while you're gone."

"I know. And I'l miss you too."

Tammy Sue and her mother and sister, Kathy Sue sat down for her last meal before she had to leave with Elvis and his band in the morning. Tammy Sue hoped this was the start of a better life for the three of them.

From the Ghetto to Stardom:  An Elvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now