Chapter 10

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"You've beenawfully quiet ever since you left your friend, Tommy? Is anythingwrong hun?" Elvis asked with concern.

"It's nothing. .." Tammy Sue started to say. "I have a confession, Elvis."

"What is it,baby?"

"Tommy was thefirst guy I made love with." Tammy Sue began.

"I'm notworried, dear."

"There's more."

"You'remarried?" Elvis said, jokingly.

"No. But aftermy first time, I turned up pregnant." Tammy Sue admitted.

"I never saw youwith a child?" Elvis asked, confused.

"I knew abortionwas out of the question, so I gave the baby up for adoption after itwas born." Tammy Sue continued.

"I'm sorry youhad to go through that, dear." Elvis gave Tammy Sue a kiss to showhis love and support.

"Tommy neverknew about the baby." Tammy Sue admitted.

"I thought yougrew up with him?"

"No, I met himwhen I stayed one summer with my aunt while she was recuperating froman accident."

"Oh, I see."

"I found outafter I went back home to the ghetto. My mother is the only one whoknew about the baby I gave up."

Elvis didn't say aword. He just kissed Tammy Sue tenderly, giving her more love. Thetwo ended up making love all night long.

Two months later.. .

"Is somethingwrong, Tammy Sue?" one of the band members asks.

"I'm justfeeling a little sick is all." Tammy Sue says, as she runs to thebathroom on the bus to vomit.

From the Ghetto to Stardom:  An Elvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now