Chapter 7

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Tammy Sue was getting dressed in her best outfit, her school uniform, when Elvis knocked on the door to her private dressing room. Tammy Sue wrapped her robe around her before answering the door.

"How's my little star doing?' Elvis asked gleefully.

"Just getting dressed." Tammy Sue replied, getting the school uniform out of her closet.

"You're not going to wear that, are you?" Elvis asked her.

"It's the best dress I have." Tammy Sue announced, shamelessly.

"Well, it's a good thing I happened by with this." Elvis adds, pulling out a glamorous, rhinestone-shimmering, white gown from his dress bag.

"Oh, Elvis, I just couldn't." Tammy Sue politely refuses.

"Nonsense!" Elvis tells her. "It's a gift for you."

"Thank you, Elvis." Tammy Sue tells him gratefully.

"Now go try it on for me so I can see how it fits." Elvis said, giving Tammy Sue a kiss on her cheek.

Excited, Tammy Sue did just that and went and put it on. When Tammy Sue came out of the bathroom, Elvis was taken aback by how beautiful Tammy Sue looked in the gown. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Shall we go meet the fans!" Elvis said to her, offering her is arm as Tammy Sue gladly took it.

Elvis waited with a nervous-Tammy Sue as the announcer announced Elvis and his band, even announcing Tammy Sue's first performance with the band, which made Tammy Sue even more nervous. Holding Tammy Sue's hand, Elvis walked onstage with Tammy Sue as they sung their first duo song "Can't Help Falling in Love" together for fans.

As Elvis and Tammy Sue sang for the crowd, fans were envious of the looks Elvis gave Tammy Sue while they were singing. They ooed and aahed over the performance. Fans couldn't get enough of Elvis and Tammy Sue.

After the first song, Elvis let Tammy Sue off the hook and sang something a little less intimate with the song, "Jailhouse Rock."

After the concert was over, Elvis led Tammy Sue offstage as the crowds pushed and shoved to be the first to see Elvis and Tammy Sue walk out of the building. As Elvis shielded Tammy Sue from the barrage of fans pushing and shoving just to get whatever souvenir they could get their hands on of the concert, Elvis got Tammy Sue inside the bus as someone pulled on the hem of Tammy Sue's gown and ripped it right down the middle, getting one of the rhinestones from the gown.

Tammy Sue covered herself and ran to the bathroom so Elvis wouldn't see her crying.

"Tammy Sue!" Elvis spoke loudly through the door. "Don't cry!"

"I'm not!" Tammy Sue replied in between sobs.

"Please open the door, honey. I have a surprise for you."

Tammy Sue wrapped the ripped gown around her and opened the door. She cried tears of joy as Elvis had managed to have a candlelight dinner set out for the two of them.

"I had dinner ordered for us after the concert because I'm always famished after singing." Elvis said. "I thought you might want to join me too."

Tammy Sue sat down at the table and enjoyed a lovely meal with Elvis. Tammy Sue had to admit it was a pretty eventful night. She was surprised that fans took so well to her first performance with Elvis and his band.

From the Ghetto to Stardom:  An Elvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now