Chapter 4

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Tammy Sue woke the next morning to find Elvis asleep in a chair next to her hospital bed. "Why would a star like Elvis stay by her side all night in her hospital room.?" Tammy Sue thought.

Tammy gently roused Elvis from his slumber, "Mr. Presley."

"What?" Elvis said, startled.

"It's me, Tammy Sue, Mr. Presley." Tammy Sue gently reminded him.

"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, Tammy Sue." Elvis apologized.

"Hey, I'm just surprised you spent the night in my hospital room?"

"I was worried about you and just wanted to make sure you were okay?"

Tammy Sue touched his hand and smiled, and it was then that Elvis realized that he was falling love with her.

While the doctors were getting ready to discharge Tammy Sue, Col. Parker had just arrived at the recording studio to find the same angry mob that had thrown rocks at the radio station and hit Tammy Sue Porter and delayed her solo.

Before he managed to get inside the studio, he was hit with a newspaper. He picked it up only to discover the headline: "ELVIS PRESLEY SPENDS NIGHT IN HOSPITAL WITH CONTEST WINNER! WAS THE CONTEST RIGGED?"

Col. Parker calls Elvis at the hospital when he gets to his office.

"Hey, Boss! What's up?" Elvis says, as he answers the phone in Tammy Sue's room.

"We have a huge problem, Elvis?"

"What kinda problem?"

"There was a article written about you in the paper." Col. Parker explains. "It's accusing you of rigging the contest so your "lover" can win."

"What?" Elvis rages. "That's a lie!"

"I know it is, but the angry mob doesn't think so."

"Well, Tammy Sue is about to be discharged from the hospital any time. I'll be there to do some damage control."

Elvis hung up just as the doctor had come to discharge Tammy Sue. Elvis took Tammy Sue out the back way away from the angry mob so she wouldn't see or find out what the angry mob was saying.

From the Ghetto to Stardom:  An Elvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now