Chapter 6

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Tammy Sue was up 2 hours before her alarm was set to go off. She couldn't sleep a wink. She didn't know if it was the excitement of going on the tour with Elvis and his band, or the strange feeling she got after Elvis hugged her. But she just shrugged it off, thinking it was just a friendly gesture by Elvis. He probably hugged all his fans that way.

Tammy Sue packed her beat-up suitcase with the best clothes she had-her 3 best dresses: 2 flower-print (1 blue and 1 yellow) and a blue pleated skirt and light blue blouse with matching tie that she kept from her years at the Academy (it was just a public school, but they called it the Academy to make it appear like a private school).

As soon as Tammy Sue packed her suitcase, she headed out to the living room where her mother was making breakfast.

"Mother dear, your up awful early?" Tammy Sue greeted her mother.

"I wanted my baby girl to have a nice breakfast before she headed off on her big adventure."

"Thanks mother." Tammy Sue said, giving her mother a kiss.

Tammy Sue sat down at the broken 3-legged table that her mother temporarily fixed with duct tape to make the 4th leg sturdy, but the table still shook whenever they sat down for a meal.

The doorbell rang and Tammy Sue hoped it wasn't Elvis as she didn't want him to see the way she and her family lived. Before Tammy Sue could get up to get the door, Tammy Sue's mother had left to answer the door. A few minutes later, she came into the kitchen with Elvis as Tammy Sue looked embarrassed, polishing off the last of her mother's delicious pancakes.

Tammy Sue got up to grab her suitcase, embarrassed to have to bring along the beat-up suitcase in front of an important man like Elvis. Tammy Sue just wanted to leave, but Elvis wanted Tammy Sue to say a proper good-bye to her family before he whisked her off on the road tour.

"Mrs. Porter, I just want to let you know, that I will watch over Tammy Sue while she is on tour with me and my band." Elvis said, reassuring Tammy Sue's mother.

"That's nice to know, Mr. Presley." Tammy Sue's mother said, thanking him.

As Tammy Sue's mother watched Elvis take her daughter away, she cried tears of joy for Tammy Sue's happiness. She was glad Tammy Sue was getting this chance of a lifetime. She wished Tammy Sue all the best on her journey.

From the Ghetto to Stardom:  An Elvis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now