Chapter 10 [Celeste's POV]

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 On 19 votes, could I please get 20?! *puppy dog eyes*

@ Fashionably Obsessed: I hope this chapter is long enough for you xD 

Anyways play the song (All of Me, John Legend) because I think it actually describes their relationship ... Yeah that's it ^-^


Lues has been gone long; too long. The last child has gone from the playground, and here I am, still waiting. He wouldn't let me just stay here, would he? I'm sure he wouldn't have. I swallow, and walk into the woods.

"Lues? Lues?" I've been walking around calling for an hour, he must have heard me by now. I suppose he went back to Mary's house? But somehow I don't think so - he wouldn't leave me like that, right? "Lues!" I shout. "LUES!" That's when I hear a faint reply.

"Celeste?" I hear him say weakly. "Celeste?"

"Lues? Where are you?" I shriek. I've never heard him sound so feeble. He's always been mockingly demonic, or loving, or surpressed in his pain, like with his leg. And those emotions were somehow so solid, so strong. His weakness scares me. How seriously injured is he?

"I'm here," he calls. "Behind you ... I'm here..."

I run to him. Lues is lying on the ground, his raven-black hair strewn across his unnaturally pale face. His eyes are just green slits in his face, and his hoodie and shirt have been torn viciously with blood bubbling through the holes. Tears prick my eyes in shock and horror and I fall onto my knees beside him. "Lues ... oh my God..." I try to pick him up but he's too heavy. I'm going to have to transform. 

The first feather buds of my wings burst through, soon followed by pale gold feathers. My hair flies back and I can feel my halo. I pull him from the ground, in my arms, and fly him to Mary's, trying to go as fast as I can without jolting him.

I hammer on the door. "Mary! Mary!" I shout. She opens the door.

"Goodness me, whatever's so urgent with-" She stops when she sees Lues. Her eyebrows shoot up and she pulls us in. She lays him on the sofa and gets out a kit, begins wiping the wound. 

"That will stop all infection," she says grimly. "If you can do anything, do it now." 

I heal the wound as much as I can. It stops it bleeding so much, but that's all. Lues lets out a whimper and his eyes flicker open. The pain glowing in his face makes me flinch, but he himself has not winced a bit and the tortured expression is smoothed out.

"Go get some sleep, Celeste," he says. "Go ... to ... bed ..." each word is forced out with effort, I can see it is pain to talk.

"No, Lues, I'm staying here," I say. 

"Go." he says, pushing the words out. "Please - go." I bite my lip, but it isn't worth weakening him even more. I kiss his forehead and leave. 

That night, I get down on my knees and beg empty air. Lues will be alright. He will ... he will be alright.

Won't he?

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