Chapter 6 [Celeste's POV]

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Did he just ... wait, what? But I've responded to the kiss without thinking about it. When we at last pull away we stare at each other.
I've never kissed someone before, especially not like that: hard and compassionate and exotic. I duck my head away suddenly, red crawling up my cheeks. He laughs and pulls me close to him.
"You know, I always thought I'd just lose my patience with a girl who blushed and pulled away," he says softly. "But it's actually kind of cute."
"What sort of girls did you date, then?"
"It wasn't really dates ... it was more physical than emotional, really. But they were always bad-girls ..."
I sigh, looking up at him. "Why me? If you like bad-girls?"
"I don't know ... I'm a demon. I don't know about this stuff. But it's love ... I think." How does he say that without blushing? After kissing him, I can barely even look at him without going red.
I'm blushing just thinking about it. He bursts out laughing again at that, and pulls me even closer.
"Go to sleep."
I curl up on his lap, my head against his chest. Everything about this is wrong: I'm in bed with a boy. A demon. Kissing. Thinking of a relationship. I can imagine my parents' face at each suggestion. Not that that means much to me ... I'm still tracing his torso with my fingertips and pressing my lips to mine. Letting him stroke my hair and pull me close to him.
And when I eventually go to sleep, curled on his lap, my dreams are of him.
Thanks to readers! Can I push 15 votes? Please! *puppy dog eyes*

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