Chapter 15 [Celeste's POV]

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The last day. In two minutes, our family will come to pick us up: the boy demons, the girl angels. The boys are throwing stones and jeering at the angels when we walk in. It's the first decision that's the hardest; it always is. But we make it. He crashes his lips onto mine and we kiss, leaving the crowd staring at us, silent and motionless. We kiss again, and by this time everyone's looking at us as if we're animals at the zoo.

"Dude." A dark haired angel boy with a lot of eyeliner is staring at Lues. He looks straight through me. "Are you drunk?"

"Do I look drunk?" he snaps.

"High?" he suggests, still looking completely weirded out.

"Malum. I am perfectly fine." Lues sighs.

"You're kissing an angel." 

Lues claps sarcastically. "Would you like me to present you with a prize? Get you a trophy? Or perhaps I should spend another six years drumming it into your thick head?"

Malum looks at him for like three seconds, then throws his hands in the air. "We need to talk." 

"Whatever," he says moodily, and slouches off. My friends are just staring at me like I've grown another head.

Lues POV

"She," Malum snaps. "Is. An. Angel."

"I thought we'd clarified that already," I scowl. "Can you just tell me what you want to tell me?"

"You want to end up Wingless?" he hisses.

"It's already happening," I pointed out. "Have you not forgotten the Drink?" The Drink is some sort of concoction that, when drunk, makes a person who deserves to be Wingless sprout their wings.
I wonder how my father avoided it?
Anyway, I have a feeling that he won't tell me. So I'll just have to rely on Cadi. Much as I don't want to. I know she cares about Celeste - even if she wishes a slow, painful and immediate death for me. She won't let us down.
At least, I hope so.

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