Chapter 14 [Lues' POV]

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I can't believe she thought I'd just betray her like that. I would never. I hold her tight. "I love you, Celeste. I can't live without you." She looks at me.

"We have to become Wingless, Lues."


"Otherwise we can't be together," she says shakily.

I smirk.  "That's why we have to stay together." I pull her up. "C'mon, let's live dangerously," I say. "We can think about that later-"

"When's later, Lues?" she shouts. "The last day is today!"

I forget she's an angel. She likes planning, order. I pull her to my chest. "Just roll with it."

"And what if it goes wrong?"

"Then it will come right."

"No, we have to make a ... Cadi!"

"Who?" I ask in confusion. She grabs my arm and rushes me to the woods. Sitting on a tree stump is a pretty girl dressed in black lace, evidently a Fallen Angel.

"Hey, Celeste." Her eyes trail over to me. "And this, I'm sure, is the Demon Boy." Her tone could curdle milk.


Celeste explains something about a misunderstanding. Cadi looks at me, poker-faced.

"Do you have something to say to me?" I snap.

"Only that if you hurt her," she says, "you're dead."

"Did you just threaten me?"

"Yeah I did," she sneers. "Go on then, Demon Boy. Take out your pretty little wings."

My face flushes in anger. Celeste steadies my arm. "Stop fighting, both of you. Cadi, we need to ask you a favour."

"What?" she asks. She crosses her arms. "Mind you, I'm doing it for your sake, not his."

I swear, if Celeste was not here this snobby little diva would be dead right now.

"We don't want to become Wingless, Cadi, but we have to be together," Celeste begs. "Please help."

Cadi looks at her, then sighs.

"Announce it." she says. "They'll chain you to the wall in the Judgement Room. At eleven o'clock that night I'll come and release you."

"And what if you don't?" I snap. I don't know this Cadi or what she does, but what I do know is she's been a total bit- I mean female dog. I've been trying to stop swearing.

"Then you become Wingless," she says pertly. I hate her so much.

I look at her. "Whatever." I growl.

I wonder if it would sound childish to call her a female dog.

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