Thank You ...

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If you read all this way then you do deserve a thank you because my stories do tend to tag on a bit <3 Maybe sometime I'll write a story about their daughters? Probably Hope ...

Anyway I just want to mention some special people. FashionablyObsessed for being my best friend, nagging me to update and of course staying crazy ;) You've been so supportive throughout the entire story and thank you so much for everything you've done! Also Snowflakeguinea, probably my first follower that didn't know me in real life ... *cheers* Your positive comments really kept me going throughout the story and gave me the motivation to do everything I did. Everybody follow them and read and vote for their stories because they deserve it!

I know how boring Author's Notes are so I'm going to shut up, but thank you so much for anybody else who read Wingless to the very end <33

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