Chapter 11 [Lues' POV]

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I have put Kate McGrath into the part of Raven (she's going to be a big part soon when Lues has finished his initiation ...) Message me or comment - should they
become Wingless or not?

As soon as Celeste has gone, I let out a strangled gasp of pain. I breathe out slowly, massaging my forehead to try and lessen the burning throb in my head. Mary raises her eyebrows. "You really care that much about appearing strong in front of her?"

I glare at her. "I care that much about her worrying her head about me."

Mary looks at me. "How do you know that she cares?"

I can feel the blood rising to my cheeks. "She's an angel! She cares about everyone!"

"I see you didn't mention yourself," Mary says in a clipped tone, "which is good. I've seen far too many innocent angel girls falling head-first for a demon and him dumping her like she's trash when he's finished."

My anger is red-hot now.

"And you think I'd do that to Celeste?"

"You're a demon. You are evil, it's how you're made. It's just that some manage to lose their evilness in love. Others-" she gives me a dark look, "don't love at all, but they create love right and left and the result is a poor wounded Angel who then becomes a Fallen Angel-"

"Wait what? A Fallen Angel? Is that another name for a Wingless?"

"It's a Wingless angel who fell in love with a demon and wasn't given love back," she says. "They turn into things crueller than demons, and that and the poverty they soon face creates a cold species. And when you get back, you better warn the demons and the angels about that, because they're coming for you."

"The demons? Are going to be attacked by ... fallen angels?" I say.

"Not just the demons," she says grimly. "The angels too."


"Vengeance. Strongest motive I know," she says. "They're led by the first ever, an angel who calls herself Tanith Exul."

"And?" I say.

"And she wants to talk to you. Tonight."


"No buts, Lues. You're going to talk to her."

"And what if she plunges a knife into my back?"

"Well there's already one in your stomach. What's the difference?" she asks crisply. "Tonight."


Tanith's flowing black robes sharply set off her pale skin and even paler hair. The once angelic beauty she would have had has been ruined by the cruelty etched on her face, the black lipstick, the piercings, the tattoos. I think of Raven, how dark and dangerous she once seemed, and then look at Tanith.

Raven is nothing more than a kitten.

Maybe it's the angelic side that Celeste has brought out of me, but I feel slightly put off by the obvious evil surrounding her.
"Lues. The demon who claims to love an angel."
"I do love her!" I say angrily. Why is everyone so sceptical about ny feelings? Surely I should know who I am in love with?
"Properly? You shall never forget, forsake, betray her?"
"For the last time," I snap. "I love her!"
She raises her eyebrows. "Well then, you will both end up Wingless. Unless you join me."
I laugh. This woman is crazy. "No. No way."
She smiles, almost as if she was expecting me to say that. "Time will draw us together, Lues." She sweeps out of the room, her cold eyes calculating, as if she's working on a Plan B.

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