Chapter 2 [Celeste's POV]

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I'm dressed in a white fur jacket and a pair of trousers that humans call 'skinny jeans'. My blonde hair is straightened and I'm wearing white shoes. I look okay, I suppose - I'd prefer angelic robes, but that seems a petty thing to complain about. Especially considering that everything is at stake - being an Angel.

I remember one girl failed - she fell in love with a human. She was hauled back and her wings ripped out. I remember the bloody gapes in her back, shaped like the curved buds of her wings: her crying and begging, but no mercy was shown. Surely she was just another person needing help ... someone in need we should have comforted. But instead she was thrown out like trash. They said that if her own personal lust was more important than being good, then she was not fit to be an Angel. Her family never spoke of her again: from that time on, they maintained that they only had one daughter. 

I can't end up Wingless. I can't.

Mum smiles at me. "Do be careful, won't you, Celeste? I'm looking forward to hearing about your good deed!"

Dad grins. "I know you'll be brilliant, sweetheart." I suppose I realize at this point how much support my parents actually give to me - they're awesome. I hug them both, silently praying that I do especially well - I don't want to let them down.

I'm pretty confident I won't, though ... I mean, what can go wrong? I'm usually selfless and kind; one good deed won't be hard.

Life throws things at you - you just need to take your bat and hit them back, hard, in the right direction, so they hit the target. On point.


If I add in two more characters? What should their names be? HELP ME!

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