Chapter 5 [Lues' POV]

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She looks freaked out - completely freaked out. It's kind of funny. She's in a simple white nightdress, looking beautiful ... in an angelic way. She's nothing compared to Raven. Right?

Her expression is mortified. It's all I can do to not laugh. I'm under the covers in pyjama trousers, though I'm shirtless. She insisted on changing in the bathroom, though I took great pleasure in winding her up by arguing.

She slides under the covers as if they're contaminated, stiff as a board. I can't help myself; I laugh. She gives me a horrible look, but swallows the retort.

"Why do you do that?" I ask.


"The only times you actually are going to say something interesting you don't."

She huffs. "Well, you never are even going to say something nice."

"That's because I'm a demon, sweetheart." She's healed me; why shouldn't I hide the truth?

"Don't joke about that."

"I'm not."

She scowls at me. I set my hair on fire - it doesn't hurt. She gapes at me, lets out a small scream, and tries to jump out of bed. I pin her down and lie on top of her to stop her running.

"Let me go!" she yells, her nails tearing a rent in my face. I bellow in pain and hit her. Hard. She groans, clutching her face, and falls backwards, tears dribbling down her face.

I remember finding an injured kitten with my friends, how we'd laughed at its misery. Where is that part of me now? Being in her presence has locked it away. I press my hand to her face.

"Sorry. It's just ... Ugh, why am I even apologizing to you?" I demand, running my fingers through my hair. "Listen. Don't you dare tell anyone. Okay?"

She looks at me, all tears and curls, and I wonder why she makes me act so differently.

"Fine." She says at last.

Angels are so easy to manipulate.

"On one condition."

Angels are not so easy to manipulate.

"You be nicer to me. And if you really want, I'll be mean to you."

I bite my lip. Thing is, I'm straining to not just be altogether kind to her, and I don't want to push myself deeper in. On the other hand, I don't have a choice.

But I've already decided, it seems. I cup her face in my hands and say it.

"Sorry for hitting you."

And then I lower my lips to hers ...

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