Chapter 21 [Celeste's POV]

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So sorry for slow updating! :( Please share, vote & comment ... 

Also starting a new story! It's name will be Red and it will be another supernatural forbidden-love romance, about vampires this time but it's a more modernized book, where the vampires dominate the future human world. So please check it out <3


Lues looks effortlessly beautiful with the white clothes setting off his tanned skin and the halo glowing gold in his raven hair. Tanith beams proudly. Little kids ask their parents in confusion if he's a demon or an angel. The adults just stare. That's when a demon kid lets out a snarl and starts to transform. I watch as his skin hardens into dark-red bumpy flesh and all his features merge into one cruel, bird-like face. Then they follow and slowly stand before us. 

"Oh hell," Lues mutters under his breath. "They want to fight us."

"We can't fight though," says an angel girl,folding her arms.

"Uh ... can't we just talk about this?" an angel boy asks desperately.

Lues looks at him, not bothering to hide his amusement. "I would laugh for like ten minutes if you said that to me and I'm only part demon. Nope. We either run or fight. And I'd rather avoid humiliation, so we fight."

"Lues," I say grumpily. "I hate to point this out but it will be serious humiliation when we're all dead."

"If you're dead, you won't notice. If you're alive, be proud," he says, his irritating optimism starting to have an effect on my friends. The boys clench their fists. The girls try to look tough. I look at Lues.

"So what do we do?"

"What do angels do in cat-fights?" he asks seriously.

"We don't have them," Mary says waspishly.

"You don't have little arguments over who stole your hair curlers or whatever?"

"Well yes, but we just talk about it."

He rolls his eyes. "Wonderful. If someone comes at you, fly in the air - angel wings are better - and just kick them in the face when you're in a good position. It will probably have no effect whatsoever but yeah. Just try and stay alive."

"That's your pep talk?" I huff, as we turn and face the demons. "Try and stay alive?"

"Considering you're facing trained, cruel and angry demons, that is the only and best advice I can give," I say sincerely. "Guys, go for the weak-looking girls. Girls, just fly up straight away and avoid attention."

"That's so sexist," I say indignantly.

"I don't have time to have moral battles with you. They're coming."

And they are. Grim smiles stretch on their faces as they slowly pace towards us. None of them look afraid. Lues doesn't either. And then there's the rest of us, looking absolutely petrified. 

"One on one," yells Malum. "All of you have to fight. Stops when one of us is unconscious."

Everyone winces.

"If the other person gives consent, they can give up," Lues offers.

"Fine," says a demon girl. "None of us will be giving consent though, so it's a waste of time."

"I'm taking Celeste first," growls Raven. She's barely distinguishable. The girls skin, instead of darkening, pales and they grow sharp teeth and nails. But she also has a cruel hawk-like face and right now it's crueller. Lues steps forward.

"You so sure about that?" he says calmly.

"Lues," I say suddenly. "Let me fight her."

He steps back. "Just so you know, you're mad."

"Kay," I say stubbornly.

He exhales loudly in frustration. "Look for her weaknesses, avoid her strengths. Think like a fighter. And don't die. Okay?!"

My dad makes an angry noise. The demon adults clearly have no intention of stopping the fight, some of them even sitting down with food and drinks as if it's a show. The angels have no intention of fighting the demons and probably think we deserve it. So they're not interfering - at least they didn't interfere, until now. My dad better not stop me fighting.

"How can you let her do that?" he snaps at Lues. "If you love her?"

"Celeste isn't a little girl," says Lues calmly. "If it's her decision, it's her decision. She has to fight someone sooner or later and if you're so worried about that maybe you should stop licking my dad's boots and actually say something about it?" He glances at the demons, all who have very determined faces. Evidently they see this as firstclass entertainment and they're not going to let it go. "Not that you'll get anywhere."

Raven clears her throat loudly. "Enough. Come on here, angel girl. Let's see what you got."

"Nothing," I mumble. Laughter slips out of her lips.

"True that. Hope you enjoy getting knocked out." she smirks. I'm forced to clench my fists to avoid punching her in the face. I look at my wrist. Angels heal quickly so it's back to normal now, but I haven't forgotten the pain that engulfed me. What torture is she planning this time? Lues looks worried. I attempt a reassuring smile, and look at Raven. 

Think like a soldier.

She might be slim and small, but she isn't weak. I remember how easily she broke my wrist and the stinging slap. Then I remember how Malum's slap lifted me off my feet. Maybe she's weak by demon standards. But that's a whole lot stronger than me. I need to avoid contact. My wings furl out as I rise into the air. She raises her eyebrows, and kicks off the ground so she's facing me. She suddenly shoots towards me. I dodge easily. Lues was right: the angel wings are better. I look at her enraged face as she shoots at me again, the paleness of her skin flushed red. It's strange that a beauty like her could become such a monster with a simple transformation.

I look at her anger. It's engulfing her. She's losing her tactics and her practicality and her dignity like this, flying at me like some enraged toddler in a tantrum. Yes... she is. And I can use that to my advantage. If I can get her to the point in fury where she completely loses her mind, I might have a shot at beating her. I'll never be able to knock her unconscious though. I need to get her to subdue. She won't though, will she? No. Then my eyes lock on the heavy metal axe. A knock on the head with that should do it - if I can lift it. Well then.

It's time to fight.

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