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Haiii ;3 I know you're thinking 'another stupid Authors Note' but please take the time to read this :)

I'm co writing a book called 'Soulmates' on a different account, InsanityDivas, which is my joint account with FashionablyObsessed. Soulmates is based in an alternate universe where you are destined to be with someone. You are born with on-wrist tattoos that count down to the moment when you look into your soulmate's eyes, and you see the world in black and white until you say your soulmate's name.

It follows three stories of young teenagers whose lives, rather than being happy once they find their soulmate, are put in extremely problematic situations that will make them wonder exactly what they'll sacrifice for their soulmate.

I really hope you'll read it x If not, oh well. Deal with it. 

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