Chapter 23 [Lues' POV]

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Picture is of Cadi :) And if you want to find out more about Cadi and her story, read my book 'Fallen.' which is about her life.


I see Raven stumble black and the spurt of crimson blood as she falls back. Celeste gasps, hands clapped over her mouth. I feel the demon boys drop my arms in shock as Raven falls back, groaning. Celeste lies her down on a chair, telling her firmly not to move her back and that it's not a serious injury.

"Serious injury? She's got an arrow sticking out of her back!" splutters Caedis.

"It can easily be healed. Raven's strong, she'll be fine," Celeste replies calmly, taking Raven's shirt off. She begins wiping the wound.

"And you're healing her." Malum says, dumbfounded.

"Yup," Celeste answers.

"Why?" asks Raven, opening her eyes, her voice irritated. "I mean, wow, saving my life and all, but why would you do that?"

"She's an angel, it's natural," a cheerful voice interrupts. Everyone turns. Cadi strolls in, her piercings, tattoos and white hair at once clicking in everyone's mind. They jump up, grabbing whatever weapons they can find. I notice Celeste's father brandishing a spoon.

"I should have known," I mumble, instantly attracting evil looks.

"You know this one, too?" snaps my dad. "How many of them do you know?"

"Only Tanith and Cadi."

"Ah of course, on first name terms, are we?" my mother - or adopted mother - snarls.

"Well yes, but Cadi tends to hate me. I'm surprised she even bothered to turn up to save me."

Everyone turns to look at Cadi.

"Yes, I turned up to save Lues." she says shortly, looking irritated. She gives me a withering look. "Trust me, it's nothing personal."

"As I would expect," I reply, shooting her an equally irritated look. We glare at each other, before Celeste interrupts abruptly.

"Do you two ever stop arguing?" She's still healing Raven. Cadi walks over.

"Can I pull the arrow out?" she asks.

"No, you can't!"

"That's my lucky arrow."

"You have a lucky arrow?" I mumble. "That is so lame."

Cadi is about to descend on me in anger, when Celeste gives both of us a warning look. "Lues, stop irritating Cadi, Cadi, you can have your arrow back soon." She goes back to vigorously mopping Raven's back.

Both me and Cadi decide to shut up.

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