2. Decisions

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chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon. 


The Next Day

"You have sex with her? I don't tell you be stupid, I say don't be stupid!" Laurent spoke, aggravated by his brother.

Larry danced around his hotel room cleaning up, ignoring what his brother had to say to him. He was in a good mood and didn't want to be bothered by his nagging twin. Laurent hated when Larry acted like he couldn't hear him. He walked over to his Beats pill and turned off the music. Larry stopped dancing and looked at his brother annoyed. "For why you did that?" He asked.

"You not listening to me, Larry." Laurent responded angrily. "Why you slept with that girl!? You don't know her." He yelled.

Larry rolled his eyes. "Because I can do what I want!" He yelled back. "I don't had sex and leave. She leave with her friend to go back to Los Angeles, I wanted her to stay but she say no and go get on the plane."

Laurent's face softened. Now he felt bad for yelling at his brother. "I'm sorry."

"Is fine. Let me finish clean so we can go shop." Larry answered with a sigh. Laurent stared at his twin for a moment then left his room and went back to his own.

• • •

On the other side of the country, Aaliyah and Shakel were just landing in Los Angeles.

"I feel so stupid!" Shakel whined as they stood in baggage claim waiting for their luggage.

"Why?" Aaliyah inquired.

Shakel grabbed her and Aaliyah's bags off of the conveyor belt. "Me and Larry.. Yeah."

Aaliyah gasped. "Wait! That's what all that noise was next door? Y'all was breaking shit in there!"

Shakel laughed. "Nooo. Nothing broke.. I don't think. We just knocked a few things over." She sighed. "I gave him my number and told him to call me or whatever but.. He hasn't. I feel stupid."

"You know they're busy people. He probably doesn't have the time yet or he doesn't know what to say." Aaliyah reassured her friend. "He doesn't seem like the type to do something like that." She explained as they walked through the airport.

Shakel agreed and they made it to the front doors of the airport and waited for their Über driver to arrive. They talked about the club the night before and how everything was extremely unexpected.

"I mean really, he could've got raped right there on stage and I wouldn't even regret it." Aaliyah said as they put their bags into the car then got in the backseat. Shakel laughed at how reckless her friend sounded, even in front of the Über driver Aaliyah had no censor on her mouth no matter how crazy it sounded. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Aaliyah's house and unpacked their stuff while still talking about the night they had.

"I have to admit that was a good weekend spent in Miami. Thank you for talking me into taking a break from school, I needed it." Shakel said to Aaliyah as she walked to her room.

"You're welcome bitch." Aaliyah said opening her door. "Ugh, I'm so tired."

"I'm hungry!"

"When are you not hungry Shakel." Aaliyah shook her head.

"I don't even know to be honest." She answered.

Aaliyah went into her room and put on some music and turned it up loud enough for Shakel to hear too. They danced around, rapped and sung the lyrics to the songs that played while they unpacked. Shakel was finished unpacking and laid on her bed thinking about what she could've done different last night so that she wouldn't feel the way she did now. She looked at her phone and seen all the missed calls and text messages from her boyfriend. She sighed. "I can't talk to him now.. What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I sleep with Larry thinking we'd have something afterwards." She thought, throwing her pillow over her face. Her phone started ringing, she looked at the caller I.D that read "Terrence 😋❤️", it was her boyfriend.

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