23. Tell Me A Secret

613 36 19


September 14

Laurent was up early. With it being the morning after the last show on the tour, his body was still in its tour function. He was used to getting up early because there was always so much to be done in the hours before a show whether it was shopping and sight-seeing or soundcheck and a workshop. He looked next to him seeing Aaliyah still asleep curled up into his side. It was such a peaceful feeling to him. He gently ran his fingers though her silky hair thinking about how lucky he was. Just imagine if Aaliyah never gave him a second chance? He wouldn't wake up in a such a good mood knowing she is next to him and will be for the rest of his life. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before getting up to take a shower and stuff to get the day started.

After twenty minutes he was out of the shower and back laying on the bed waiting for Aaliyah to wake up. He scrolled through his messages on his phone looking at all of the pictures his family sent him from the night before. It was a lot of good pictures of him and Aaliyah and he liked most of them but it was one particular picture that really stood out to him. It was an off guard picture. He didn't remember what he said to Aaliyah at that moment but she was laughing really hard and she covered her mouth with her hand. The flash from the camera made the ring on her finger look like a fireball. It looked really cool to him but he mainly liked how happy Aaliyah looked. He was debating if he wanted to post it or not. In that moment of quiet, Aaliyah sneezed. Lau looked at her and laughed at her high pitched sneeze. "Bless you and good morning baby."

"Thank you," she sneezed again. "good morning."

He put his phone down and adjusted the way was laying so that he was facing her. "Are you getting sick?"

"Everything but that." She said turning onto her back and fixing her shirt.

"Can I ask you something?" Laurent asked wrapping his arm around Aaliyah's waist.

"No." She's said unwrapping his arm from her waist and laughing. "I'm kidding, what's up?"

"What's up with the shirt?"

"Huh?" Aaliyah asked confused.

He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at her. "You let me take everything off you last night except you shirt. Why?"
Aaliyah ignored his question and got up going straight to the bathroom. He heard the shower turn on and he sighed. Laurent hated when she ignored him. First day being engaged and things were already starting to get difficult. He expected that though because Aaliyah was known to be difficult. She had been difficult since the day they met. He laid back on the bed and thought to himself. Of course he wanted everything to go well, he just wished things wouldn't be so difficult. After ten minutes the shower stopped and he was prepared to be ignored again because he had another question for her when she came out.
He waited for her to come out but he heard the shower come on again. "What the fuck is she doing?" He muttered under his breath. It was only on for about a minute or so and then she finally came out. He sat up and looked at Aaliyah. She had a towel wrapped around her body and a towel wrapped around her head, the usual; Now he was waiting for her to drop the towel around her body. She looked at him for a moment and quickly turned and walked toward her bag. She looked through it and pulled out the essentials, bra, and a form of underwear then a long sleeve black shirt and some jeans. She went back into the bathroom and got dressed and came out not too long after. Her hair, no longer straight as it was the night before, shiny from its wash and the curliest that he had ever seen it. Laurent approached her and hugged her from behind. He took in her sweet scent and the smell of her hair products. For a moment she allowed it but then she unwrapped his arms and walked back into the bathroom with her makeup bag.

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