40. New Additions

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"You're so fucking immature minded Larry, I swear! It's like I'm trying to be with a high schooler." Shakel said as she started to get up out of her seat to leave but before she could Larry grabbed hand and quickly laced their fingers.

"No, listen. I'm sorry for making you mad all the time especially the past days. But thank you for always having patience with me and not ever giving up on me. For the longest I never really knew how to love someone until you showed me how I should be loved too." Larry spoke then cleared his throat before starting the next part of his speech as if he was trying to keep himself from crying. Shakel sat back down wanting to hear the rest of what he had to say. He grabbed her hands and held them tightly in his. "I know I mess up a lot in the past but now I know what to do so I don't mess up and I know how to prove to you that I want you for the rest of my life." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small elongated box that held either a bracelet or a necklace. He handed it to her and she opened it in awe. Inside was a white gold necklace that had a infinite symbol charm with her initial S in the left loop and his initial L in the right. Her eyes were wide and vibrant looking at the necklace that she had said she wanted just a few weeks ago but didn't want him to buy it.

"Oh my god, I told you not to buy this for me baby." She gasped. "I love you so much."

"Here, I'll put it on for you. Stand up really fast." He grabbed the necklace out of the box and placed it around her neck and fastened it. Just as she turned around thank him, she had to look down to find him on one knee, holding the ring she said she wanted in a velvet black box. Everyone in the restaurant had their eyes on them. "Shakel, I want you to be my love for the rest of my life, I can never see myself with anybody but you. Will you marry me?"

Shakel stood in shock. Her hands were covering her mouth and she was truly lost for words. She always thought she'd be able to tell when Larry was going to propose but she was wrong. She nodded her head quickly, unable to form the single word that Larry wanted to hear. "Y-yes! I will marry you!" The smile on her face was the biggest Larry had ever seen from her. He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up and kissed her. Everyone in the restaurant clapped and cheered for the engaged couple. They sat back down and enjoyed the rest of their dinner before heading back home. Larry was happy his peculiar plan worked and Shakel finally felt completely content with the way things were now that she knew all of the things Larry did within the past few days were all leading up to that very night.

Just as Larry and Shakel walked into the house, the living room light turned on and Aaliyah and her mom, Laurent and a couple of he and Larry's friends and the twins sisters popped up and yelled congratulations.

"What?! Y'all knew?" Shakel was taken aback. "Wait woah! Anaïs! Élodie!" She said rushing over to hug them. "What are you doing here?"

"Bridal shower, bachelorette party, and this for you." Élodie explained simply. "We had to be there for you like we were when Lau proposed to Aaliyah unexpectedly."

Anaïs handed Shakel a glass of champagne so that they all could celebrate together. "Here's to both of our new editions." She said with a warm smile. "I'm so proud of my baby brothers for choosing amazing women that our mom really does approve of." She raised her glass and everyone followed.


"I can't believe you'll officially be my wife in a few more weeks." Laurent said as he took his shirt off and laid in the bed next to Aaliyah.

She smiled. She loved seeing him this happy and excited about something. Though Aaliyah seemed to be the exact opposite, she was a huge advocate for happiness. Knowing that she was the person that made Laurent this happy meant a lot to her. "And to think we got this far because of a dance.. Man your fans hated me so much when that video started going around."

"Yeah, but they never found out who you were until Shakel said something that one time." Laurent added.

She laughed. "When I was trying so hard to keep my pregnancy secret. Oh god, that was the worst time for her to do that."
The room went silent for a moment. Aaliyah looked over to see Laurent staring at her admiringly. "What?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You just so beautiful. How did I get you? God blessed me so much, I can't believe it." He stated as his eyes wandered over her face. "You really are everything I ever wanted and you make my life so much better than it ever was."

It was one of those sincere moments from him and Aaliyah couldn't do anything but smile from ear to ear. She loved moments like this, though they happened often, she cherished them as if they were once in a lifetime things. Lau smiled just because she smiled.

"Lehlanie has your smile, baby."

She twisted her face up. "She only has like 3 teeth Lau."

"Yeah, but she still has the same smile. Don't be so technical." He laughed. "She will have all her teeth soon."

Aaliyah moved closer to Lau and cuddled up under him. He wrapped his arm around her and rested his hand on her waist comfortably. She looked up at him, visibly happy to be in his grasp. He couldn't help but to lean down and peck her lips. That wasn't enough for her though. She held his face and deepened the kiss after a few more pecks without warning. Laurent was never against deep kisses. The more their lips locked, the more he started to hover over her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck while she got comfortable underneath him. Minutes passed and they stayed just like that. Nothing more, nothing less. Just passionate kisses.

"I love you so much, Aaliyah." He said staring into her eyes.

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