24. Sooner or Later

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It was like the world around Laurent stopped. Not sure if he heard what she said correctly. He froze. "W-what?" he stuttered.

"Take your stupid ring back." Aaliyah said still holding it out to him.


"I can't marry you." She responded. "I'm not ready. I'm too young."

His forehead wrinkled in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"We don't agree on a lot of things already and that just tells me how it would be if we were married. I can't even think about or try planning a wedding right now. I just want to go home and live life normally but I can't even do that." She said as her eyesight started to blur from the sudden tears forming in her eyes. She wiped the un-fallen tears carefully so she didn't mess up her makeup. "I don't want this. I don't want to have a baby. I don't even like kids. But I know you do and that's the problem."

"I don't care what we don't agree about. I still want you to be my wife. I need you to be my wife."

"I get that but this thing in my body is making me not want-"

"That thing in your body is our baby. You don't like kids now but you will someday when you meet our baby." He said pointing at her stomach.

"I don't want it! That's my point! I don't want this thing!" She started to cry.

"Don't cry Aaliyah, you know I don't like to see you cry." He said pulling her into a hug and swiftly taking the ring from her her before she dropped it. "Please stop. I know that's what you say right now but I think you will love our baby sooner or later."

"No." She cried on his shoulder. Calming down the longer he held her close to him.

"It's gonna be okay I know you will love the baby just like he or she will love you." He ensured holding her tighter.


"What?" Her answered while starting to place the ring back on her finger.

She pulled away from him and looked down. "I'll catch a cab back to the apartment and sleep. You don't have to come with me."

"I will come with you. Dinner is over anyway, and I don't want to leave you alone." He said grabbing her hand and sliding the ring back on. "Come on." He said wrapping his arm around her waist.

They walked back inside and Aaliyah grabbed her coat and purse. Everyone was staring at them trying to figure out what happened outside and what was going to happen now. "Where are you going?" Larry asked looking at his twin.
There really was no reason to lie and Laurent's mind was too exhausted to think of anything.

"Aaliyah wants to leave." He answered.

"Why what happened?" Asked Anaïs.

"Nothing, she's just tired." He shrugged.

Anaïs knew something else was going on. She just didn't know what. "Call me later Aaliyah. I don't care what time, just call me when you want." She said with a smile. Aaliyah nodded with a smile in response.

"I leave tomorrow but it was great seeing everyone again. I can't wait until next time." Aaliyah said smiling at everyone. She walked over to their mother and have her a hug. "Merci pour m'avoir. (Thank you for having me.)"

"Tu êtes toujours bienvenus. (You're always welcome.)" She responded.

•     •     •

Laurent laid behind Aaliyah and wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to his body. He took in the sweet scent of her perfume before moving her hair to plant gentle kisses on her neck. Aaliyah had been quiet since they got back but he knew she wasn't sleep. She had been moving around restlessly, and it was driving Lau crazy so he pulled her close to him because he knew that's what she wanted. Aaliyah was needy only for his touch. No mater how much she told him not to touch her, that's what she really wanted him to do. She would move around so much knowing it'd start to bother him, until he would hold her so she couldn't move anymore.

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